Time zone:
Join the Filipino Microsoft MVPs and tech community leaders in a panel discussion about how to succeed in Azure, Data and AI, as a tech professional and as a business. We'll talk about what we have learned from almost a decade of building solutions on the cloud. We'll also share our viewpoints on what we think the near future will look like with AI and how is it currently impacting our careers and the organization that we are helping. This will be an open and light-hearted conversation amongst peers in the industry who have been driving change in the Philippines and around the world through tech communities.
Artificial Intelligence
You may be interested in creating agents with the Microsoft Semantic Kernel using GPT Assistants for handling complex problem-solving tasks. It uses AI to coordinate the work among multiple assistants. Each assistant has its own persona and tools, operating as separate GPTs. The days of manually managing conversation states and chat threads are behind us. Now, with the support of these assistants, we can have conversations that remember their context. In the next talk I explore how these assistants can interact in three different scenarios: - hierarchical chat agents (interactive chat) - joint chat agents (interactive chat) - agent powered by agents as plugins chat (one prompt chat) For this, I have created four agents, each representing a different hero: Jack Sparrow, Don Quijote, Shakespeare, and Yoda. Additionally, I have a dialogue writer agent that takes a dialogue script and brings these heroes to life. Well, let's see what happens when Jack Sparrow is messing up with Don Quijote!
Introductory and overview
Save yourself and your users time with Microsoft Entra External ID authentication. Microsoft Entra External ID provides built-in support for multiple identity providers, such as Google and Apple ID. With just a few clicks in Azure, and a few lines of code in your app, your users can sign in, sign out and a lot of other useful things. You don’t even have to worry about creating a login page!   In this session, you will learn the basics of Entra External ID, its benefits, and how to integrate it into your app and Azure. This includes a walkthrough on setting up Entra External ID and a demonstration of how you can log in with a .NET MAUI app and access an API.
Introductory and overview
Developers often find themselves building APIs solely for data retrieval and storage, a task that can lack excitement and be very time-consuming. Enter Microsoft's open-source solution: Data API Builder. This tool enables you to securely expose your Azure database through REST and GraphQL endpoints, eliminating the need to manually write these APIs. Join this session to explore the features, deployment options, and nuances of Data API Builder. We'll also showcase its seamless integration with Azure Static Web Apps.
Introductory and Overview
The Analyze Image service provides you with AI algorithms for processing images and returning information on their visual features.
Introductory and Overview
This session will explain Generative AI in Azure.
Introductory and overview
Cloud computing
Un caloroso benvenuto dal team di Azure Meetup Torino
Introductory and overview
Cloud computing
The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology and has opened new avenues of communication. One such AI model is ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. In this presentation, we will explore the potential future of AI and how ChatGPT is leading the way in terms of language-based communication. 
Introductory and overview
Introductory and overview
Data & AI
Quante volte, al supermercato, hai pagato un prezzo più alto salvo poi trovare lo stesso articolo nel negozio di fronte ad un prezzo più competitivo? Con Azure Data Explorer affrontiamo i primi passi nell'esplorazione interattiva dei dati e scopriremo dove ci conviene andare a fare la spesa!
IT Pro
Con Azure Virtual Desktop si può accedere ad un desktop virtuale Client o Server ovunque e da qualsiasi device. In questa sessione vedremo come si crea un infrastruttura di AVD, le modalità di accesso dai vari tipi di piattaforme client e le ultime novità sulla gestione delle stampe con Universal print.
Introductory and overview
GSF (Green Software Foundation) is getting much attention from last COP27 where, among other news, the SCI specification has been launched. In this wannabe-sustainable session we understand the basics of the Green Software Foundation organization and the basics of the principles, patterns and practices we can implement. And remember: all this beautiful stuff, must be economically convenient.
Introductory and overview
Cloud services
Sono poche le aziende che oggi possono vantare una storia "cloud-only" o "cloud-native"; lo scenario più comune è quello che vede una parte dei workload "on-prem" ed una parte sul cloud. E' proprio quando questi workload devono poter comunicare tra loro che si parla di connettività ibrida. In questa sessione vedremo come si può connettere un datacenter on-prem col cloud Azure e come consentire l'accesso alle risorse su rete privata.
I metodi di autenticazione passwordless sono sempre più utilizzati nelle infrastrutture moderne. In questa sessione li metteremo a confronto e offriremo spunti su come iniziare ad inplementarli, mostrando come creare un utente passwordless fin dal principio con l’uso di Temporary Access Pass e FIDO2 keys.
Data & AI
--- ITA: In questa sessione tecnica, approfondiremo il mondo dell'IA generativa oltre le attuali tendenze. Tutti parlano di ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney e altri famosi servizi cloud. Noi esploreremo modelli, framework e strumenti meno discussi dell'IA generativa tenendo conto dell'uso delle preziose risorse locali e di quelle in cloud. In questa illuminante sessione tecnica, i partecipanti saranno introdotti a Intel OpenVINO, ONNX Runtime, NVIDIA TensorRT per sfruttare in modo indipendente queste tecnologie e implementarle nei propri progetti. --- ENG: In this technical session, we will delve into the world of generative AI beyond the mainstream hype. Everybody talks about ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney, and other famous cloud services. We challenge the conventional wisdom surrounding generative AI by investigating less-discussed models, frameworks, and tools balancing local & cloud resources. In this eye-opening technical session, participants will be introduced to Intel OpenVINO, ONNX Runtime, and NVIDIA TensorRT to independently leverage these technologies and implement them in their own projects.
Quali sono ad oggi le possibili soluzioni per connettere una MCU ad azure, quali linguaggi e quali piattaforme utilizzare ? In questa sessione vedremo quali strumenti abbiamo a disposizione per soddisfare queste esigenze.
IT Pro
In un’era in cui le aziende dipendono sempre di più dai sistemi informatici per il loro funzionamento, la protezione dei dati e la continuità del business sono elementi che devono necessariamente essere presi in considerazione. Gli eventi imprevisti come disastri naturali, guasti hardware, attacchi informatici ed errori umani possono causare l’interruzione dei servizi IT, con conseguenti perdite finanziarie significative. È qui che entra in gioco il piano di Disaster Recovery (DR), che permette alle aziende di ripristinare rapidamente i servizi IT e minimizzare l’impatto sul business degli eventi imprevisti. In questa sessione saranno approfonditi gli aspetti da tenere in considerazione per sviluppare piani di disaster recovery efficaci e saranno esaminate le opportunità offerte da Azure per adottare soluzioni moderne ed efficaci.
Microsoft Azure rende disponibili soluzioni per inventariare le risorse presenti nell’organizzazione, comprese quelle esposte pubblicamente, al fine di migliorarne la postura di sicurezza. In questa sessione illustreremo in dettaglio, anche con l’utilizzo di demo ad hoc, le funzionalità offerte dai servizi Defender for Cloud e Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (Defender EASM).
Data & AI
Dedicated Pool refers to the enterprise data warehousing features that are available in Azure Synapse Analytics. Its engine is based on SQL Server's one and working with it will be very familiar for SQL Server people. Do you need a table? You can start with CREATE TABLE command but, be aware that Dedicated Pool is a distributed engine and that table could be Replicated or Distributed over multiple nodes. Distribution, Data Skew, Data Movement are "new concepts" you must be familiar with to get better performance in a Dedicated Pool.
Nella sessione presenterò DAPR e come facilità la creazione di applicazioni complesse basate su microservizi. Farò un introduzione di Azure Container App è delle sue funzionalità e dell'integrazione con DAPR. Porterò un esempio di una applicazione (iToilet trova il bagno più vicino un idea di Seinfield show degli anni 90) in aspnet e node js che utilizza DAPR e Azure Container Apps. Se il tempo di sessione lo consente introdurrò il concetto di revision di Azure Container Apps e lo mostrerò in pratica.
IT Pro
Azure Communication Services è la piattaforma di servizi Azure che troviamo sotto il cofano di Microsoft Teams. In questa sessione vediamo quali servizi ACS ci mette a disposizione per sviluppare una nostra applicazione di chat e calling
Come gestire e proteggere i propri sistemi Windows 10 e Windows 11 attraverso una soluzione di gestione moderna come Microsoft Intune
Data & AI
Do you have any Azure SQL Database that supports your production applications? Are you sure you implemented all the best features to protect your solution? Nooo?? What are you waiting for in the lobby?!? Jump into the room and have a quick overview of how to protect your workload by improving authentication, securing network and data, auditing access, and so on! We'll discuss topics like: - Authentication and authorization mechanisms for Azure SQL Database, with a focus on Role-based access control (RBAC) and database-level permissions, as well as other interesting features you can leverage by integrating with Azure Active Directory. - Connectivity options, introducing Service Endpoints and Private Endpoints to implement a network boundary around PaaS resources. - Transparent data encryption (TDE) and always encrypted. - Data masking and classification. - Vulnerability assessment and advanced threat protection. - Auditing and monitoring using Azure native tools. By the end of this session, you will have a better understanding of how to secure your Azure SQL Database instances and ensure that your data is safe in the cloud.
Si parla tanto di microservizi, anche quando non sono strettamente necessari. Sono l'unica alternativa possibile per scrivere codice pulito, a componenti indipendenti e facilmente divisibile? E se costruissimo una soluzione a moduli? Attenzione, ogni modulo deve essere indipendente, dalla business logic ai dati, ma il tutto in un'unica soluzione. Molto più facili da testare, rispetto ai microservizi; meno infrastruttura da gestire, ma allo stesso tempo, pronti a scalare. Scopriamolo insieme come .NET Core ci permette di creare soluzioni simili e come Azure sia pronta ad ospitarle
Cloud services
In questa sessione verrà presentato il servizio Azure Load Testing, mostrando come progettare ed eseguire performance/load test per la vostra web application, come simulare migliaia di utenti e sessioni concorrenti, trovare ed ottimizzare i colli di bottiglia e migliorare la scalabilità applicativa.
Introductory and overview
Power Apps è uno strumento della suite di Power Platform che permette di creare applicazioni low code. Possiamo realizzare applicazioni dall'aspetto grafico moderno , monitorare l'utilizzo e loggare cosa succede nelle nostre app ? Esploriamo insieme come costruire una app , come monitorarne l'utilizzo da parte degli utenti e come tracciare gli errori grazie all'integrazione con Application Insights, una feature di Azure Monitor.
Introductory and overview
Quante volte vi è capitato di rilasciare un'applicazione in produzione su Kubernetes e avete riscontrato problemi di difficile individuazione? E quante notti in bianco vi sono servite per risolverli? In genere il motivo per cui si verifica un problema non è sempre uno solo e anche se nel sistema tutti i servizi sono completamente funzionanti, potrebbero sempre esserci dei comportamenti inaspettati. E se ci fosse un modo per prevedere queste situazioni prima di arrecare danni ai vostri clienti? In questa sessione vediamo come testare la resilienza delle nostre applicazioni usando i principi di Chaos Engineering e Azure Chaos Studio.
¿Quieres saber que es Confidential Computing? En esta sesión os desvelo de que se trata acompañado con unos ejemplos prácticos en Azure. Bienvenidos a la nueva era de la seguridad cloud.
Descubre las capacidades clave en Azure de Microsoft Defender for DevOps y cómo se integra con las plataformas de Azure DevOps y GitHub para visualizer la postura de seguridad de nuestras aplicaciones y como crear pipelines utilizando el componente de analisis y escaneo de vulnerabilidades.
Que poco nos gusta documentar. Ahora que ya tenemos controlado como trabajar con Azure DevOps en nuestros desarrollos de Power BI veremos como OpenIA nos va a ayudar a documentarlos!
Introductory and Overview
Hoy en día cada vez más aplicaciones .Net, ya sean en su vertiente web o de servicio, acaban desplegadas en Kubernetes. En esta charla vamos a plantear desde 0 el proceso y las buenas prácticas que hay que seguir para que las aplicaciones .Net y que no sean un quebradero de cabeza.
Seguramente has trabajado con Docker y te has encontrado con la necesidad de ejecutar más de un container a la vez y has usado docker-compose. Tal vez hayas trabajado con Kubernetes si tu sistema es algo más complicado y tiene muchos servicios, configuraciones, y demás. Todo esto está muy bien pero plantea otros desafíos, por ejemplo, cómo gestionar la cantidad de yamls de deployment, services, configmaps, ingress, etc. de un sistema más o menos grande. Más aún si necesitamos cambiar algún parámetro entre entornos. Para esto existe Helm, que permite empaquetar un sistema con todos sus objetos de Kubernetes en un único objeto, y además gestionar parámetros en tiempo de deploy, como versiones de imágenes, connection string. etc. En esta charla veremos qué es Helm, cómo puede ayudarnos para instalar aplicaciones de terceros muy fácilmente como un todo, y cómo puede ayudarnos con nuestras aplicaciones a gestionar gran parte de la complejidad de los manifest de Kubernetes.
On this session we will jump in into the future of AI, Agents or, also called Agentic systems. We will understand the concepts through raw, pure, practice - read hands on here - and I'll show you code that makes sense out of the nonsense and let you in awe of what is possible right here and right now. Shall we? ;)
En esta sesión aprenderás como integrar modelos LLM en tu aplicación .NET, utilizando open-source Semantic Kernel SDK. Sin ser un experto en "Generative AI", Semantic Kernel te permite crear Plugins, crear funciones semánticas para trabajar más rápido a través de plantillas de prompts, y dotar de contexto y tus datos a LLM a través de la creación de memorias. No te pierdas esta sesión para descubrir nuestros consejos a la hora de construir tu aplicación con "Generative AI" con Semantic Kernel.
¿Alguna vez te has enfrentado a un informe con datos que no entiendes? ¿Tus informes incluyen métricas que tus usuarios no saben que significan? Descubre como dar contexto a tus datos y hacerlos más entendibles a los usuarios de tus informes de Business Intelligence gracias al nuevo servicio de Azure Open AI.
Los usuarios avanzados pueden desarrollar sus aplicaciones rápidamente, con menos código y menor coste, gracias a las bondades de Power Platform. En escenarios más complejos, tenemos la posibilidad de añadir más funcionalidad y aprovechar toda la potencia que nos ofrece Azure. En esta sesión hablaremos de algunas posibilidades que nos brinda Azure para escalar y extender nuestras apps utilizando los conectores para Azure nativos o crear los nuestros personalizados y aprovechar toda la potencia que nos brinda Azure utilizando servicios como Azure API Management o Azure functions para escalar, extender e integrar Power Platform con otras aplicaciones línea de negocio.
Unlock the potential of Microsoft Azure with a deep dive into the strategic implementation of Azure Landing Zone. Join me as we explore the journey of deploying a tailored Azure Landing Zone for Novacina, a leading Australian pharmaceutical company. This session goes beyond theory, providing real-world insights, challenges, and successes, demonstrating how this Azure Landing Zone empowers Novacina's digital transformation.
Unlock the potential of Microsoft Azure with a deep dive into the strategic implementation of Azure Landing Zone. Join me as we explore the journey of deploying a tailored Azure Landing Zone for Novacina, a leading Australian pharmaceutical company. This session goes beyond theory, providing real-world insights, challenges, and successes, demonstrating how this Azure Landing Zone empowers Novacina's digital transformation.
In this session let’s go through some networking features in Azure App Services that Developers ought to know. Mainly Virtual Network Integration and the use of Private Endpoints.
In this session let’s go through some networking features in Azure App Services that Developers ought to know. Mainly Virtual Network Integration and the use of Private Endpoints.
Logic Apps Standard enables a whole new development experience for developers, which are now able to locally develop, debug and package a group of logic apps as an application. This experience brings logic app much closer to developers, democratizing even more a very powerful integration tool. In this session - Wagner Silveira, Senior Product Manager (Logic Apps) at Microsoft - will show the latest improvement on the developer experience for Logic Apps Standard, including improvements on onboarding for new developers, support for DevOps among other news.
Logic Apps Standard enables a whole new development experience for developers, which are now able to locally develop, debug and package a group of logic apps as an application. This experience brings logic app much closer to developers, democratizing even more a very powerful integration tool. In this session - Wagner Silveira, Senior Product Manager (Logic Apps) at Microsoft - will show the latest improvement on the developer experience for Logic Apps Standard, including improvements on onboarding for new developers, support for DevOps among other news.
Let's take a seat in Doc Brown's DeLorean and explore the history of AI towards the future of AI
Diese Session zeigt, wie man einen eigenen Copiloten erstellt und wie man ihm die richtigen und die falschen Dinge beibringt. Außerdem geben wir einen Erfahrungsbericht aus einem echten Projekt aus der Realität anhand eines Kundenprojektes.
This session will show how Databricks Unity Catalog can be implemented using Infrastruture As Code. The following topics will be discussed * What is Databricks Unity Catalog? * Description of the Azure Architecture * Terraform configuration for Databricks Unity Catalog Metastore, Storage Credentials, External Locations, Catalogs, Workspace Bindings, ... * Pipelines for Azure DevOps & GitHub Actions
Im Kontext moderner Cloud-Anwendungen ist der Einsatz von No-SQL Datenbanken gang und gäbe. Dabei ist eine relationale Datenbank nicht unbedingt die schlechtere Wahl. Insbesondere da Azure SQL Database als hochskalierbarer Plattformservice zur Verfügung steht und in seinem Funktionsumfang native Fähigkeiten mit sich bringt, die weit über rein relationale Datenverarbeitung hinaus gehen. Damit ergibt sich eine gute Option für den Einsatz auch bei der Neuentwicklung moderner Cloud Apps.
"Introduction to Virtualization" provides an accessible overview of the foundational concept underpinning modern cloud computing infrastructures. This session elucidates the principles of virtualization, including hypervisors, virtual machines, and containers, enabling participants to grasp how computing resources are abstracted and shared across multiple environments. Attendees will explore the benefits of virtualization, such as resource optimization, scalability, and cost-efficiency, and understand its pivotal role in facilitating flexible, agile IT architectures. With practical insights into virtualization technologies and deployment scenarios, this session equips learners with the fundamental knowledge to leverage virtualization effectively in their organizations, fostering innovation and adaptability in the digital era.
Documentation: Often the least favorite aspect of coding, especially for those of us working with Bicep in cloud engineering. Yet, what if there were ways to not just simplify, but actually enjoy the process of creating documentation for your Bicep code? Join us as we delve into the journey of building a web catalog for your private Bicep registry. We will begin with an introduction to the public registry for Bicep modules and then look at why you would still consider a private registry. From there, we dive into the advanced techniques of leveraging PSDocs for generating in-depth documentation for your Bicep modules. We will then demonstrate how to consolidate these markdown files into a cohesive catalog using MKDocs, incorporating Material design for an enhanced visual appeal. Our focus will be on hands-on demonstration, enabling you to directly apply these insights and techniques to your projects and workflows. This practical approach will cover a range of tools, including Azure, Bicep, PowerShell, GitHub Actions, PSDocs, and MKDocs, but the knowlegde can be used with a different stack as well. Target audience: IT Engineers, DevOps Engineers
Microsoft Azure
Azure Vmware Solution
.NET Aspire wurde entwickelt um das Setup und den Betrieb von cloud-native apps zu erleichtern und zu beschleunigen, von der DEV- bis zur Prod-Umgebung. Diese Session gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand und zeigt Beispiele wie man .NET Aspire nutzen kann.
Managing Azure Policy through the portal can be a hassle, especially when your tenant(s) become of a certain size. In this session we take a lookat the Enterprise Policy as Code (EPAC) solution from Microsoft. EPAC comprises a number of scripts which can be used in CI/CD based system or a semi-automated use to deploy Policies, Policy Sets, Assignments, Policy Exemptions and Role Assignments. In this session: - What is EPAC and how does it work? - How does EPAC relate to Landing Zones and AzAdvertizer - Determine your Desired State Strategy - Managing Policies, PolicySets (Initiatives) and Assignments walk through After this session you have a good understanding on how EPAC works and a good idea on where to start your own PoC and implementation.
This talk will be of 40-60 minutes depending on the time you wish to extend it to. In this talk, I will be speaking about what cloud computing is, explaining with a real-life example, and then showing the attendees what Azure is and how they can receive $100 credits. Then I will be talking about one of the widely used services - Azure Static Web Apps, what it is, how it works, and why we should use it along with a hands-on demo. If you wish to extend the talk I can showcase how to deploy websites using Azure Static Web Apps by using GitHub Codespaces rather than VSCode which adds one more latest technology. Overall, it would be a fun session where attendees would be taught about the latest technology, and how to use them with interesting examples that they can connect with. In the end, I will be sharing some resource sheet which will help them continue their learnings after the session.
Carbon Aware Computing ist ein Baustein Systeme CO2 optimiert zu designen. Im Rahmen eines Projektes mit der UBS wurde der Carbon Aware SDK entwickelt mit dem Ziel, die UBS Risk Compute Plattform Carbon Aware zu gestalten und die Optimierungen zu Reporten. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen in diesem Projekt, werden wir die grundlegenden Design Prinzipien und Praktiken und Limitationen diskutieren. Ziel der Diskussion ist ein klares Bild zu erhalten, wann Carbon Aware Computing besonders effektiv ist, wo Limitationen sind und welche Praktiken sich empfehlen. Auch werden wir die notwendige Weiterentwicklung im Kontext der Software Carbon Intensity Specification diskutieren und welche Szenarien zur Optimierung sich daraus für Systeme ergeben. Alle Design Prinzipien und Praktiken sind explizit nicht an den Carbon Aware SDK als Werkzeug gebunden.
Microsoft latest addition to the Copilot family, Microsoft Copilot for Security, a generative AI-powered security solution that integrates with Microsoft security products, became GA April 1st, and in this session I will show what it is, how it works, and how you can set it up. We will focus on Azure requirements and cost management, as well as integrations and plugins that can be useful.
As a speaker, we will: - Introduce the concept of serverless computing and explain its benefits. - Discussing the features of Cloud Functions and how to use it to build and deploy serverless applications. - Sharing best practices for building and deploying serverless applications. - Presenting case studies of example serverless applications that have been built with Cloud Functions. - Answer any questions that the audience may have.
Azure Container Apps vereinen die Flexibilität von Kubernetes mit einer durchdachten Abstraktion, um sowohl einfache als auch komplexe Anwendungsfälle effizient zu unterstützen. In dieser Session zeigt Henrik Schönfelder, wie dieser noch junge Azure Service es ermöglicht, Entwicklungs- und Betriebsprozesse zu optimieren, indem er eine Plattform bietet, die sowohl aus Entwickler- als auch aus DevOps Perspektive sehr attraktiv ist. Er teilt Einblicke in praktische Anwendungsbeispiele und demonstriert, warum Azure Container Apps oft eine bessere Wahl gegenüber anderen Diensten sein können.
Very Important privileges are being used in your environment every day. Both in Microsoft 365 and in Azure, it is important to understand when to use built-in or when you want to create custom roles and how to secure them! This is a matter of cost, stability, and security. With the right mindset, focus, and tools it should be possible for most companies to get started with this quite quickly. Though, the process might meet both technical and “cultural” challenges. Well, maybe just "cultural" challenges...
Dive into what's next and discover the capabilities of advanced language models like GPT-4 Turbo with Vision. Experience AI Studio, a user-friendly platform that simplifies building your own AI applications using insights from Microsoft’s Copilots. Learn how vector search, with techniques like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), is revolutionizing information retrieval for precise results. Explore the Assistants API, which enables developers to create intuitive applications that can analyze data, recommend solutions, and automate tasks with ease. This session is your starting point to understand AI technologies' potential and integrate them into your projects.
In this talk, we will explore what a guest user is under the hood, and in which scenarios it may be abused. We will introduce a new technique for abusing guest users across tenants, and look at scenarios where that technique could be catastrophic to the security of an organization. To show how to exploit these scenarios, we will introduce a new azure pentesting tool that can be used to help test and exploit both guest users, as well as the rest of the Azure and Entra ID ecosystem. Guest users in Entra ID are heavily used for business-to-business collaboration, and administration of cloud resources by partners. However, they have a dark side that is anchored deep within the implementation of guest users in Entra ID.
In this talk, we will look at the cost of Microsoft Azure. Do you feel like you are paying too much for your cloud solutions? This talk emerges from years of real experiences and (costly) lessons learned in the field, offering a relatable and practical approach to managing cloud expenses. We'll learn how to identify and cut down on unnecessary expenses using some easy cost-saving tips, shed light on hidden costs that often go unnoticed, and how to avoid them if possible. Then, we'll explore how to integrate cost-efficiency into your cloud architecture's foundation using some processes I have created over the years. This is more than just a guide to save a few bucks; it's a roadmap for making intelligent, cost-effective decisions in your Microsoft Azure journey. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, this talk will equip you with the tools to make your Azure usage more economical and efficient.
Data & AI
This walkthrough is designed to elucidate the process of leveraging Azure Open AI for the automation of customer support services. The primary objective is to provide comprehensive instructions on harnessing Azure Open AI and to furnish an introductory overview of the Large Language Model (LLM), elucidating its utility within the industrial landscape.
In this session Anders will guide us through Azure Infrastructure as Code and Application modernization! Lookout fir Azure Verified Modules within Microsoft Bicep as there will be a demo on it. Julian will showcase the use of Azure policies with User-assigned identities and how we can manage them by code!
Resilience is not merely about withstanding disruptions; it's about thriving amidst them. Learn how Azure Chaos Studio offers a managed service, empowering you to measure, understand, and ultimately enhance the resilience of your systems. Through controlled fault injection experiments, we'll uncover how to proactively identify weaknesses and fortify your applications against unforeseen challenges. From development to deployment, we'll navigate the critical importance of validating and improving application resilience.
In this lightning talk, I will share bits and tips on how you could get started in your Cloud Architect journey. Namely, we will focus on designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam objectives which is an important part of the AZ-305 exam. By the end of the session, you will be well-informed on how to start your cloud learning journey and build toward your desired goal of becoming a Cloud Architect. I will also share many learning resources that will boost your knowledge, and help you get prepared for an important exam in 2024.
AI & Machine Learning
Build your own copilot and generative AI applications. Connect your own data, call functions, and improve workflow with language and image models.
AI & Machine Learning
This session focuses on understanding and applying the Responsible AI Framework in the development of machine learning algorithms, bots, and virtual agents, emphasizing responsible design and development practices. It features a series of hands-on tutorials tailored for developers and data scientists, aimed at providing a comprehensive introduction to Microsoft's Azure Responsible AI toolkits and AI Services. The tutorials offers a practical and interactive learning experience. This module is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to leverage Microsoft's Responsible AI tools effectively, ensuring the ethical, transparent, and accountable use of AI technologies in their projects.
.NET Aspire je nová technologie, která usnadňuje vývoj microservices aplikací. Je to tak trochu nástupce dřívějšího experimentu Project Tye, nicméně mnoho konceptů doznalo zásadních posunů. Na této přednášce si ukážeme, co Aspire nabízí, jak se používá a proč by vás měl zajímat, i když nevyvíjíte microservices, ale potřebujete pouze vyvíjet a spouštět více aplikací najednou.
Přijďte zjistit, jakým způsobem je možné umožnit ostatním konzumovat vaše služby v rámci Power Platform, například v Power Automate (případně Logic Apps), Power Apps nebo třeba i Copilot Studio. Ukážeme si, co taková integrace obnáší, jak jí zabezpečit, a nebo třeba i vypublikovat pro ostatní organizace v případě, že vyvíjíte Software-as-a-Service aplikaci.
AI & Data
Azure Data Explorer stellt ein mächtiges Werkzeug zur effizienten Verarbeitung eventorientierter Daten zur Verfügung (Logs, Metriken, Sensoren). Ein praxisnahes Szenario liefert den Kontext, um Best Practices zur Erstellung skalierbarer Data Pipelines vorzustellen. Nach einem kurzen Überblick zur KQL Syntax und einfachen Operatoren, nutzen wir Functions, Update Policies und Materialized Views um eine vollständige Realtime Data Pipeline zu bauen. Der Fokus liegt auf praktischen Demos in der ADX WebUI unterstützt durch einige Slides zur besseren Orientierung.
Ukážeme si, proč je cloud skvělé místo při cestě k integraci AI do cílových řešení. V kontextu Microsoft Azure popíšu, jaké máme co se týče AI možnosti - představíme si nejdříve Azure Cognitive Services, skupinu SaaS služeb k efektivnímu a poměrně rychlému naplnění AI potřeb v koncovém řešení. Pak ukážeme službu Azure Machine Learning, jakožto PaaS platformu pro data scientisty/AI engineery k tvorbě AI modelů, ze které bude i praktická ukázka tréninku vlastního AI modelu.
Ukážeme si pokročilejší tipy logování a diagnostiky s Application Insights. Připojování vlastností a filtrování telemetrií, práce s transaction search, logování SQL, performance tuning, vlastní metriky a alerting.
This session explains about the Concept, How it works, and Capabilities of Microsoft Defender for Cloud which helps the Organizations to secure and protect the Workloads in the IT Environments (Hybrid & Multi-Cloud).
Introductory and overview
Bicep is the better ARM template. So let's have a look at how to deploy infrastructure to Azure using Bicep. But don't expect to just sit and watch. Get ready to use your fingers, write and deploy some Infrastructure using Bicep yourself! So bring your Notebook. You don't need to have any previous experience with ARM or Bicep.
In this session, we won't just scratch the surface; we'll dive deep into the world of the Microsoft Graph API, uncovering its potential like pros. You'll join me on a journey to explore advanced techniques and strategies that can truly transform the way you work. So, what this session will cover ? 1. Advanced Queries: We'll unravel the art of crafting advanced queries that get you the precise data you need. 2. Authentication and Security: We'll talk about best practices to ensure your interactions with the Microsoft Graph API are secure. 3. Optimizing Performance: Discover the secrets to retrieving and handling data more efficiently. 4. Custom Solutions: You'll learn how to extend the capabilities of the Microsoft Graph API to fit your unique requirements. Whether you're an IT pro, a developer, or just someone who loves technology, this session is your ticket to becoming a Microsoft Graph API expert. The best part? It's not just a lecture. It's a conversation. I'll be right there with you, sharing my insights and answering your questions.
A look into the options for using Azure Terraform to work with Azure AI Services and Models. Covering an overview of Azure Terraform, Deployment Options, and the types of Azure AI Resources we can manage.
Paul Simon once famously proclaimed in song that "There must be 50 ways to leave your lover". Its one of the most iconic and best recognised songs of the last century and one that we all hum along to for days after it comes on the radio. I'm not sure if Paul ever gave us 50 ways, but it got me thinking - there must be 50 ways to secure your Azure? Join me in this session where I guide you through the (approximately) 50 different ways you can secure your Azure Tenants and Subscriptions!
In this talk, we will delve into the world of Azure Blob Storage and discover some of its lesser-known features and capabilities. We will explore the ways in which these features can enhance your use of Azure storage solutions. Whether you are a seasoned Azure user or new to the platform, this talk will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies for optimizing your use of Azure Blob Storage.
Vstupte do světa digitálních tajemství, kde Azure App Configuration a Key Vault tvoří neviditelnou alianci. Jsou jako strážci, kteří bdí nad vašimi aplikacemi, ukrývají klíče k nekonečným možnostem a chrání vaše data před temnými silami. Připraveni odhalit tajemství, která se skrývají v oblaku, jsou připraveni vás provést temnými koridory k bezpečnosti a spolehlivosti.
Dnešním trendem je vývoj různých AI asistentů, které mají za cíl usnadnit pracovní procesy. Avšak často narazíme na překážku při jejich implementaci do reálného provozu. Na této přednášce se podíváme na životní cyklus vývoje AI asistenta určeného pro interní dokumentaci, od počáteční fáze 'Hello world' až po nasazení do produkčního prostředí. Společně prozkoumáme výzvy a obtíže, které jsem při tomto procesu potkal, a jak jsme je řešili.
Azure DevOps ist ein eigentändiges Produkt innerhalb der Azure-Cloud, welches viele nicht auf dem Zettel haben. Dabei handelt es sich um Microsofts eigene Entwicklungsplattform, also die Infrastruktur, damit alle anderen sich auf die eigentliche Arbeit fokussieren können, das Rad nicht neu erfinden und gewisse Standards, Einheitlichkeit und Sicherheit herrscht. In diesem Vortrag machen wir einen Rundflug zu den wichtigsten Diensten und lernen u.a. Azure Boards, Azure Repos und Azure Pipelines kennen.
Agenda: 1. Get started with Azure AI Services 2. Azure AI services Azure Machine L earning Cognitive Services Azure Open Al Services 3. Microsoft Copilot 4. AI for Security 5. Al Shared responsibility model 6. Accelerate cloud-native app innovation with Azure and Al 7. Questions/Answers
Microsoft Entra Internet Access and Microsoft Entra Private Access - coupled with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps uniquely togather as a solution and converges network, identity, and endpoint access controls so you can secure access to any app or resource, from anywhere. With the addition of these Global Secure Access products, In this session we will unveil how Microsoft Entra ID enables access orchestration for employees, business partners, and digital workloads. and how you can continuously monitor and adjust user access in real time if permissions or risk level changes.
In this session we take a closer look at (AVM) Azure Verified Modules. With AVM the aim is to provide a trusted platform for organisations to find and deploy solutions that can be easily integrate with their Azure-based services and infrastructure. They can span a wide range of solutions, using popular infrastructure as code (IaC) tools such as Bicep and Terraform.
Join a panel of Microsoft MVPs for an AMA on Azure. From Apps and Infra to OpenAI, bring your questions to the panel for a lively discussion on Azure.
During this concise yet comprehensive session, we'll immerse ourselves in the realm of Azure OpenAI. We will delve into the fundamental principles, capabilities, and practical use cases of this cutting-edge AI technology. Whether you're new to Azure OpenAI or seeking a quick refresher, this session will serve as your gateway to unlock its full potential. In this demonstration, we will focus on the following technologies: 1. Azure OpenAI 2. Azure Data Factory 3. Microsoft Fabric 4. Azure SQL/ LakeHouse 5. Visual studio Code You'll gain valuable insights to effectively grasp and employ Azure OpenAI, paving the way for further exploration and integration into your projects.
Global Azure presents an ideal platform where I'll delve into Azure fundamentals and also guide the audience on how they can elevate their basic Azure knowledge to the next level. Along with the foundational learning, I will introduce some advanced concepts to further enhance understanding and expertise, paving the way forward. This should benefit many who find it difficult to get past a basic understanding of Azure.
The purpose of this foundation session is to demonstrate the usage of Azure Service Bus (MaaS). This session walkthrough the story of a bad customer experience and how it was resolved using Azure Service Bus. It has a short demo based on the story as well. It also covers cool features in Azure Service Bus, High Level Solution Design diagrams, How messages are sent and received using Azure Service Bus and an Azure Function, How to use Azure Service Bus Explorer, Service Bus Quotas and Dynamics 365 CRM Integration with Azure Service Bus, Comparison with other Azure messaging services. No prior knowledge is required to attend this foundation session. Audience will get a clear understanding of Azure Service Bus and it is a very useful skill to have as it a common use case.
Na této přednášce se dovíte, jakým způsobem se můžou aplikace integrovat s autentizací vůči Entra ID, tedy cloudovým Active Directory. Podíváme se na rozdíl mezi App Registrations a Enterprise Applications. Dále si ukážeme, jak nastavit parametry autentizace a delegaci oprávnění pro Service Principal. Prozkoumáme moderní protokoly OpenID Connect a OAuth, ale neopomeneme ani starší protokoly jako SAML nebo Kerberos.
Co přesně je Private Endpoint a jak se liší od Private Link? Kdy je vhodné použít Service Endpoint? V rámci této přednášky se zaměříme na Azure Private Link, prozkoumáme jeho typické scénáře využití a principy, na kterých funguje. Dále probereme, jaké jsou nejčastější problémy, jak je efektivně debuggovat a jaké jsou možnosti pro integraci Azure Private Link s on-premises a korporátními sítěmi.
There is no doubt that building containerized applications and following a microservices architecture is one of the most common software architecture patterns observed in the past couple of years. Microsoft Azure offers different services to package, deploy, and manage cloud-native applications, each of which serves a certain purpose and has its own pros and cons. In this session, I will show the power of Azure Container Apps and how can this be a life-saver when working with distributed applications and container orchestration.
In diesem zweistündigen Workshop erlernen die Teilnehmer die Anwendung von GitOps-Prinzipien, um mithilfe von Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) und ArgoCD das Bootstrapping eines cloud-hosted Kubernetes-Clusters durchzuführen. Die Teilnehmer setzen Git als "Source of Truth" ein, wobei alle Konfigurationen und notwendigen Definitionen in einem zentralen Repository verwaltet werden, um Konsistenz und Reproduzierbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Sie üben das Deployment verschiedener Anwendungen über ArgoCD, was ihnen hilft, essentielle GitOps-Techniken und -Werkzeuge effektiv zu nutzen.
In this event it is poised to ignite innovation and unlock the boundless potential of cutting-edge technologies, empowering individuals and organizations to soar to unprecedented heights with the power of Azure AI and it's services. I will cover about how we can use Azure AI services along with GitHub Codespaces and GitHub Copilot to build the next generation applications that can redefine the future within a short span of time and having higher accuracy. This will help the attendees learn about cloud computing AI services, how to use them effectively and securely and how can GitHub Codespaces and GitHub Copilot can help them have faster development with reduced vulnerabilities and bugs.
Do you want to build and develop serverless containers on a cloud platform such as Microsoft Azure? In this session, you will learn about the important technical concepts you need to know about building and developing Azure containers. The session explores serverlesss containers such Azure Container Apps and its key useful features for cloud development of microservices. Regardless of whether you are new, you will learn how to get started developing with and building your code with ACA and leverage the power of Azure with it.
Does your defensive team detect and respond fast enough to contain the adversary before they accomplish their mission? How do you know? Come join 15-year Microsoft MVP & RD Maarten Goet and learn how Microsoft Defender 365 and Microsoft Sentinel can help detect command-and-control platform Cobalt Strike, nasty exploits and much more, in this real-world case where an attacker went from Zero to Ransomware in just 52 minutes in Azure. This is a session no Azure admin should miss!
Description It's a fact that DotNET has been around for 20 years and was once just the preserve of Windows, but has in recent years moved to Mobile using Mono and Xamarin, but still big powerful systems and processors. However, thanks to the work of WildernessLabs there is now the Meadow F7 board, a small form factor IOT board based around the Adafruit Feather. This means you can now write your Dot NET C#/F# code and truly run anywhere. The idea of this talk is to show that your existing DotNET skills can be used on IOT platforms without the scary Arduino version of C, you really do now have the skills to write code that will run anywhere. I am just a DotNET dev like you, I don’t work for WildernessLabs and this is not going to be a sales talk about the Meadow system, I backed the Kickstarter and I just enjoy playing with IOT. I want to show you that it’s scary and you too have the skills to diving in and get that LED blinking after that you can automate the home. We'll discuss: - The process of setting up the Meadow board and getting that first Hello World Blinky light going. - Brief explanation of the board and tooling - Demo a more complex system where the board is battery powered measuring sensor values and reporting this to an Azure function for processing.
Die Microsoft AI-Plattform bietet fast grenzenlose Möglichkeiten im unternehmensweitem Einsatz. Nicht nur Texte können in wenigen Sekunden analysiert werden, sondern auch Gesichter und Emotionen. Oft werden AI Funktionen ohne große Ankündigungen auch in Standardprodukte aufgenommen und in Kombination mit dem Microsoft Graph oder anderen Quellen wie LinkedIn ergeben sich erstaunliche Möglichkeiten. Bei der Einführung des Einsatzes dieser Technologien stellen sich jedoch nicht nur aus Datenschutzsicht, sondern auch aus Sicht des Betriebsrates erhebliche Fragen. Es werden die Top Herausforderungen dargestellt und praktische Lösungen dargestellt.
While Azure has a lot of inbuilt functionalities that lets HIPAA compliance come easy, a lot of professionals struggle with piecing all of these functionalities together and also put compliance documents together. In this session, I am going to explain how professionals can leverage on Azure to stay compliant with the HIPAA.
Cílem přednášky je udělat si ucelený přehled o různých způsobech a dostupných nástrojích pro monitoring zatížení a výkonu databází hostovaných v rámci služby Azure SQL Database a Azure SQL Managed Instance. V úvodu si představíme, jak je alokován výpočetní výkon našim databázím hostovaným v Microsoft Azure a ukážeme si, jak monitorovat jejich vytížení s pomocí Azure Monitoru. Následně si představíme úplně novou službu Database watcher for Azure SQL a ukážeme si její nasazení a použití. Věnovat se budeme také performance troubleshootingu našich databázových dotazů s pomocí technologií Extended Events a Query Store, jenž jsou v prostředí Azure SQL také k dispozici.
Almost everyone knows virtual machines in Azure. But with a little effort, it is possible to modify the application and use Spot instances, which can be an interesting financial alternative. In this session we will look at what Spot instances are, how they differ from common VMs and how to use them effectively.
Have you ever wondered whether YOU would survive the sinking of RMS Titanic or not? In this talk, we'll be using Visual Studio, C# and ML.NET to find out. Machine Learning is a hot topic these days. Business around the world are keen to utilise it; but doesn't it mean learning python?? In fact - no! These days it's not only possible to do ML in Visual Studio, but it's actually easy to produce high quality results with very little effort. Be warned though, there are ice bergs ahead....
Have data? Don't know what to do with it? You can process it using OpenAI. You probably already tried ChatGPT, but there is much more to OpenAI. In this demo driven session we'll see a few practical examples on how you can use it. Disclaimer: Be nice to bots, and they'll treat you better when they take over the world.
This session will delve into how to streamline web application development using Azure Static Web Apps, with a practical demonstration using the Nuxt.js framework. We'll focus on automated deployments facilitated through GitHub and explore the integration of unified authentication, authorization, and custom routing configurations. Emphasizing the direct connection of integrated databases, we will show how these features can be efficiently employed with Nuxt.js to enhance development speed and simplicity. The talk will briefly touch on the utility of serverless functions for scalable API development, highlighting how these can complement your web applications without extensive infrastructure management.
Dive into the inner workings of Umbraco Cloud's Platform transformation in this talk. See our hands-on approach to deploying and managing cloud infrastructure using Terraform. See how we use of rapid release cycles with Azure DevOps, minimising deployment times while maintaining quality and security. Explore our journey leveraging Azure Kubernetes Services for global scalability and high availability. Witness the integration of Azure API Management in streamlining interactions between our services, enforcing policies, and ensuring a secure, unified API gateway. Gain firsthand insights into how Umbraco Cloud's Platform Team innovatively wields these tools, offering practical knowledge for your own cloud environments.
This discussion focuses on leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) for automation or streaming tedious and routine business operations. The deployment of AI and machine learning technologies typically involves complex stages such as comprehending the technical specifications required by AI providers, curating and preprocessing substantial datasets for training custom models, and ensuring seamless integration with existing enterprise systems. Azure significantly simplifies these technical challenges. Azure sets itself apart by offering APIs that are easy for developers to work with, simplifying the task of integrating AI features into a wide range of business systems and applications. Its key strengths lie in the ease of integration and the extensive array of services it provides. But Azure's offerings go beyond just AI capabilities. It presents a full spectrum of services geared towards the development of scalable, robust, and economical solutions for enterprises. Our aim is to do more than just show you how to use Azure's AI services well. We want to introduce a system architecture model that uses Azure's tools. This model is flexible and suits many different business needs. We would like to invite you to join us in exploring these possibilities. Let's see together how Azure can transform your business.
This session is about the Azure NetApp Files service. The Azure NetApp Files service delivers high-performance, low-latency file storage on-demand. We will cover the features of the service, such as snapshots, backups, replication and the new addition of the cool-access tiering feature. This new tiering feature is a great option to help drive down costs for Azure file storage whilst maintaining the great functional capabilities of Azure NetApp Files. The session will also include a live demonstration of the service and its features and Infrastructure-as-Code deployments.
Na přednášce si představíme Azure AI Search a řekneme si, k čemu jej můžeme použít, jak funguje, jak jej můžeme zapojit do .NET aplikace. Budeme vycházet z poznatků, které jsme v HAVITu získali při implementaci jednoduchého B2B eshopu. Řekneme si, jaké jsou v Azure AI Search typy dotazů, ukážeme si, na co můžeme při práci s Azure Search narazit a s čím z toho a jak je možné se vypořádat. Nemine nás seznámení s indexy, analyzery, tokenizery, facety.
In this session, Vukasin will talk about Azure Migration options, highlighting services that are easily optimized and replaced during the transition from on-premises to the cloud. We will explore effective strategies for adopting Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions and discuss the benefits of transitioning from traditional infrastructure to PaaS offerings, such as improved scalability, reduced management overhead, and enhanced security. By the end of this session, you'll have a better understanding of migration approaches and how to leverage PaaS solutions and Azure tools to optimize your cloud environment during migration, resulting in a more efficient, secure, and cost-effective Azure deployment.
Microsoft Azure
Many Azure administrators find it difficult to manage the lifecycle of their cloud infrastructure. For example, infrastructure deployed in Azure may span multiple management groups, subscriptions, and resource groups. Deployment stacks simplify lifecycle management for your Azure deployments, regardless of their complexity. A deployment stack is a native Azure resource type that enables you to perform operations on a resource collection as an atomic unit.
Ideally, we all want our software to perform as fast as possible, and performance testing can be key to making that happen. But how fast is fast enough? In this session, we will break down the different types of performance tests there are (stress, soak, etc.), what the kind of metrics to look at, go into what each type of test could be used for, and whether or not that kind of test should be prioritized in your software development lifecycle.
In this session we'll jump into the exciting world of LLMOps- where Developers and Data scientists combine their practices to build and _operationalise_ modern AI enabled applications. This session will be suitable for both Data Scientists, AI engineers and Developers - all need to understand this paradigm shift to how we operationalise modern AI apps. In this session we will cover: - what LLMOps is and why it is needed for day 1 operations of modern AI apps. - What is Azure AI Studio and how it enables LLM Ops - A look into building complex AI application flows with Prompt Flow - Build a quick retail product chat service and evaluate it in Azure AI Studio.
In this session we'll jump into the exciting world of LLMOps- where Developers and Data scientists combine their practices to build and _operationalise_ modern AI enabled applications. This session will be suitable for both Data Scientists, AI engineers and Developers - all need to understand this paradigm shift to how we operationalise modern AI apps. In this session we will cover: - what LLMOps is and why it is needed for day 1 operations of modern AI apps. - What is Azure AI Studio and how it enables LLM Ops - A look into building complex AI application flows with Prompt Flow - Build a quick retail product chat service and evaluate it in Azure AI Studio.
Artificial intelligence is exploding around the world. Human features are being mimicked by computers, like writing essays, drawing pictures and making critical decisions. In this session, you will learn how they work and how you can better use each one in their own use case.
Artificial intelligence is exploding around the world. Human features are being mimicked by computers, like writing essays, drawing pictures and making critical decisions. In this session, you will learn how they work and how you can better use each one in their own use case.
Azure AI offers more possibilities but requires more from developers. Power Platform AI Builder has some limitations but offers codeless solutions. This presentation will highlight the differences and provide suggestions on when to use either, or perhaps both together.
Azure AI offers more possibilities but requires more from developers. Power Platform AI Builder has some limitations but offers codeless solutions. This presentation will highlight the differences and provide suggestions on when to use either, or perhaps both together.
We have all heard how GitHub Copilot can help developers save time and be more productive, but what about other engineers? In this session I will demonstrate some of the ways that GitHub Copilot can be used to create Infrastructure as Code, develop CI/CD Pipelines and even debug and help with PowerShell and Bash scripting.
It's time you meet your AI pair programmer. Do you find yourself stuck on a chunk of code? Unsure of how best to center a div? GitHub Copilot can help. Get unstuck by seeing suggested lines or code, whole functions, and learn more about your development journey through having code explained, and even translate your code into other languages. Find out more about GitHub Copilot, new features, updates, and see a demo. The session will cover: - What is AI - Applications of AI - How GitHub Copilot works - How to get better results from GitHub Copilot with prompt engineering (the art crafting effective prompts) - Power of conversational coding with GitHub Copilot Chat - What's coming next
Reliability and resilience is one of the pillars of Well Architected Framework. In this session we discuss the best practices for building resilient applications in Azure.
This session is to deep dive into Azure Front Door and Application Gateways. And to help choosing the right WAF solution for you
We have all heard how GitHub Copilot can help developers save time and be more productive, but what about other engineers? In this session I will demonstrate some of the ways that GitHub Copilot can be used to create Infrastructure as Code, develop CI/CD Pipelines and even debug and help with PowerShell and Bash scripting.
Utilizing Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and methodologies has become a customary practice for managing application code over time. However, extending these principles to our cloud Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) presents a compelling opportunity. In this presentation, we'll delve into the adaptation of CI/CD practices to streamline the deployment of our cloud infrastructure. We'll examine the influence of our preferred IaC tool on deployment methodologies, discuss strategies for integrating testing into our pipelines to guarantee the accuracy of deployments, incorporate security measures to uphold compliance and governance standards, and explore various nuances of IaC and CI/CD tools.
Large Language Models (LLMs) are the core of enterprise Generative AI applications. They can process and generate natural language, but they require additional components to handle user interactions, security, and other functionality to respond to or act on user inputs. The collection of these components and services that form a functional solution is called a Generative AI application. A best practice when developing a Gen AI application is to follow a standard AI Lifecycle and embed security at each phase of the AI lifecycle. Implementations must not neglect the basics such as authentication, authorization, protecting customer data, etc., which are required for AI solution just like for any other cloud solution. After we have addressed the basics, there are specific aspects for LLM and Generative AI security requiring special attention. Details vary depending on the implementation and are constantly changing in this fast-growing field, but understanding something about the properties allows us to address specific implementation needs. One way to think about securing it is to view the model as essentially intelligence in a black box that has certain defining characteristics: • AI models are stochastic/non-deterministic, requiring an engineer to account for them spontaneously failing or being incorrect. In some sense it doesn't matter if the failure is intentional (due to poisoned training data, adversarial input, etc.) or unintentional (the model is not accurate). Engineers need to expect failure, and it is likely best to assume failure in the worst and most spectacular way. • If you're giving it any data at all, either in the context window (via patterns like RAG) or by fine-tuning the model, it may include/leak data in its response. Building on these two attributes the session provides security guidance for the phases of the Generative AI lifecycle that will ensure that your AI solution has healthy security posture from the start.
Why use Python and Azure together I hear you ask? In this session we go through how to work with Python and the Azure Python SDK to automate all the things. This session will be light on slides and lots of demos and tips to get you going as a solid Azure platform engineer
Utilizing Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and methodologies has become a customary practice for managing application code over time. However, extending these principles to our cloud Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) presents a compelling opportunity. In this presentation, we'll delve into the adaptation of CI/CD practices to streamline the deployment of our cloud infrastructure. We'll examine the influence of our preferred IaC tool on deployment methodologies, discuss strategies for integrating testing into our pipelines to guarantee the accuracy of deployments, incorporate security measures to uphold compliance and governance standards, and explore various nuances of IaC and CI/CD tools.
AVM (https://aka.ms/AVM) is an initiative to consolidate and set the standards for what a good Infrastructure-as-Code module looks like, governed and led by Microsoft. Hear a summary of what makes AVM special from the perspective of one of the most active contributors outside of Microsoft in the AVM Terraform community. Leave, knowing how you can use, build and contribute to this exciting initiative.
AVM (https://aka.ms/AVM) is an initiative to consolidate and set the standards for what a good Infrastructure-as-Code module looks like, governed and led by Microsoft. Hear a summary of what makes AVM special from the perspective of one of the most active contributors outside of Microsoft in the AVM Terraform community. Leave, knowing how you can use, build and contribute to this exciting initiative.
Let's explore an app with feature flags, and how you can easily enable/disable functionalities of your application.
Almost daily now do we hear about another big data breach with often millions of people having their data stolen. Many of these data breaches happen to organizations that have infrastructure deployed in the cloud. In the aviation industry each incident is cause for a thorough review after which commercial operators usually adapt their operations or adopt new ways of operating to ensure this particular incident does not happen again. They do it successfully. Let's see if we can do this as well. In this session we will investigate real security incidents that happened to cloud-based organizations and find out ways to ensure we can avoid them in the future. This session will be jampacked with demos giving attendees a handy to-do list to take away back to their teams to work on and improve their cloud security posture.
Join our session to discover how leveraging Microsoft Entra can propel your organization's Zero Trust security strategy. Explore how Microsoft Entra empowers you to establish a robust security framework, emphasizing identity-centric controls to strengthen your security posture.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, GitHub Copilot stands at the forefront of a paradigm shift. Powered by OpenAI, this cutting-edge tool is more than just a code assistant; it's a harbinger of a new era in coding practices. This talk aims to delve into the transformative impact of GitHub Copilot on software development workflows, offering a comprehensive analysis of its capabilities, benefits, and challenges. We will explore how Copilot is the ultimate pair programmer through its AI-driven code suggestions and real-time assistance, significantly enhancing developer productivity, improving code quality, and freeing up developers to innovate and solve complex problems. However, this technological marvel is not without its complexities. The talk will address critical ethical considerations, such as the implications of AI-generated code on intellectual property, the accuracy and reliability of its suggestions, and the broader impact on coding as a skill and profession. By presenting demonstrations, real-world case studies and empirical data, this presentation will provide attendees with a nuanced understanding of how Copilot is reshaping the development process. Attendees will gain insights into effectively integrating AI tools like Copilot into their workflow, preparing them for a future where AI partnerships are an integral part of software development. This session is crucial for developers, team leads, and tech enthusiasts eager to navigate the future of coding with informed confidence and strategic foresight.
Let's explore an app with feature flags, and how you can easily enable/disable functionalities of your application.
Microsoft Fabric is an all-in-one analytics solution designed to simplify our analytics requirements. It covers everything from data movement to data science, Real-Time Analytics, and business intelligence. The platform integrates new and existing components from Power BI, Azure Synapse, and Azure Data Factory into a single environment. All the goods come with a cost. Microsoft currently has two licensing models for Microsoft Fabric, pay-as-you-go (F capacities) and reservation. The pay-as-you-go model allows to scale capacities up or down as needed. In this session, we explore our options to save money on our Microsoft Fabric's F capacity? Join me in this session, where I will show you how to use Azure Logic Apps to automate the suspension, resumption, and scaling of our F capacity based on our needs. You will see how easy it is to set up a schedule that fits your workload. Don't miss this opportunity to optimise your F capacity and reduce your costs!
Microsoft Fabric is an all-in-one analytics solution designed to simplify our analytics requirements. It covers everything from data movement to data science, Real-Time Analytics, and business intelligence. The platform integrates new and existing components from Power BI, Azure Synapse, and Azure Data Factory into a single environment. All the goods come with a cost. Microsoft currently has two licensing models for Microsoft Fabric, pay-as-you-go (F capacities) and reservation. The pay-as-you-go model allows to scale capacities up or down as needed. In this session, we explore our options to save money on our Microsoft Fabric's F capacity? Join me in this session, where I will show you how to use Azure Logic Apps to automate the suspension, resumption, and scaling of our F capacity based on our needs. You will see how easy it is to set up a schedule that fits your workload. Don't miss this opportunity to optimise your F capacity and reduce your costs!
KQL is a query language used in Log Analytics Workspace, Azure Monitor and few other Microsoft/Azure services. The language has several operators and inbuilt functions that make it unique from other query languages. The session will give a walkthrough of some of the KQL operators/functions that are very little known to people, but has capabilities to solve complicated use cases.
KQL is a query language used in Log Analytics Workspace, Azure Monitor and few other Microsoft/Azure services. The language has several operators and inbuilt functions that make it unique from other query languages. The session will give a walkthrough of some of the KQL operators/functions that are very little known to people, but has capabilities to solve complicated use cases.
In this session, we examine the seamless integration of WhatsApp messaging functionality within our applications utilizing Azure Communication Services. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical demonstrations, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of leveraging this powerful combination to enhance user engagement and communication capabilities. The theoretical segment covers the advantages of integrating WhatsApp messaging, such as reaching a vast user base globally and leveraging its rich media support for dynamic interactions. Furthermore, it goes into the architecture and key considerations for integrating WhatsApp with Azure Communication Services, emphasizing security, scalability, and regulatory compliance. Transitioning into the code demos, participants learn how to integrate these WhatsApp messaging features into their applications using Azure Communication Services, from configuration to deployment, handling various message types (text, images). By the end of the session, attendees are equipped with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to seamlessly integrate WhatsApp messaging into their applications, empowering them to create more engaging and interactive user experiences while leveraging the robust infrastructure provided by Azure Communication Services.
In this session, we examine the seamless integration of WhatsApp messaging functionality within our applications utilizing Azure Communication Services. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical demonstrations, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of leveraging this powerful combination to enhance user engagement and communication capabilities. The theoretical segment covers the advantages of integrating WhatsApp messaging, such as reaching a vast user base globally and leveraging its rich media support for dynamic interactions. Furthermore, it goes into the architecture and key considerations for integrating WhatsApp with Azure Communication Services, emphasizing security, scalability, and regulatory compliance. Transitioning into the code demos, participants learn how to integrate these WhatsApp messaging features into their applications using Azure Communication Services, from configuration to deployment, handling various message types (text, images). By the end of the session, attendees are equipped with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to seamlessly integrate WhatsApp messaging into their applications, empowering them to create more engaging and interactive user experiences while leveraging the robust infrastructure provided by Azure Communication Services.
Tired of disruptive data silos and the challenges of creating effective data warehousing? Microsoft Fabric promises a comprehensive solution, offering an impressive range of analytics capabilities, including data engineering, integration, real-time analytics, and business intelligence, all in one package. It features key components like Power BI, Synapse, and Data Factory, catering to professionals across the data spectrum. The highlight is OneLake, a central architectural component of Microsoft Fabric, designed to foster collaboration among data professionals, paving the way for a new era of data-driven success. In this session we will be building an end to end solution starting from ingesting data into a lakehouse and visualising the same in Power BI
Have you ever wondered what happens when llamas meet the Internet of Things? Neither had I, until I connected my llama farm to the Internet! Join me on this wild ride where we’ll venture into the less-trodden path of llama-friendly automation. We'll tackle pressing questions like 'Should my llama-cams run in the cloud, or would local control prevent a llama-lanche?' and 'What if my automatic gate is offline during a llama stampede?' It's like a tech-enabled Noah's Ark, only with more llamas and fewer pairs.
I bet your organisation has heaps of data in different applications. Your CRM, Google Analytics, SharePoint, Forms or surveys, accounting software, emails and timesheets alone have masses of information about your business just waiting to be explored. Learn how to integrate this data into consolidated solutions to help you fully understand your business and gain insights. We will discuss why this is important, how different data relates and the limitations and benefits of built-in application reports. We will use Microsoft Fabric to develop a data model incorporating connections to multiple common applications. We'll explore lessons learned and gotchas so that you can get understand the big picture of your organisation's data.
In the last few years we have seen a rise in the usage of the term Platform Engineering, but what does that actually mean and how does it compare to DevOps? In this talk I will present what these both mean to me as someone who has been a "DevOps" engineer and is now a Platform Engineer. I'll talk about the "Platform Engineering Iceberg" showing how what appears to be a simple term hides a mass of complexity and challenges. And to wrap it up I'll talk about Developer Experience and how that ties into all of this.
Tired of disruptive data silos and the challenges of creating effective data warehousing? Microsoft Fabric promises a comprehensive solution, offering an impressive range of analytics capabilities, including data engineering, integration, real-time analytics, and business intelligence, all in one package. It features key components like Power BI, Synapse, and Data Factory, catering to professionals across the data spectrum. The highlight is OneLake, a central architectural component of Microsoft Fabric, designed to foster collaboration among data professionals, paving the way for a new era of data-driven success. In this session we will be building an end to end solution starting from ingesting data into a lakehouse and visualising the same in Power BI
Join us as we delve into the advantages of utilizing modern Azure Networking capabilities, and how it can help enterprise customers reduce their hardware footprint and management overhead. Discover the benefits of transitioning to a modern design. With improved performance, enhanced security, and streamlined management, modern Azure Networking design is the future. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and help your customers succeed.
There's a lot of talk about AI at the moment. A LOT. Sarah has been leading Microsoft's internal efforts to create AI security best practices and - in this talk - will share aspects of the journey to do this, a history of AI attacks and what the best practices are to keep an AI implementation secure (spoiler: there's no secret sauce) and how you should be thinking about this in your organisation, no matter what cloud or AI platform you're using.
Radius is an open-source framework that enables developers and operators to build, deploy and operate on cloud native applications across public and private clouds. In this session, I'll talk about why developers and operators might want to use Radius when building cloud-native applications, go into the architecture of Radius, compare it other common tools and frameworks for managing cloud native apps, and show how you can build cloud-native applications using Radius through live demos. By the end of this session, you'll have an understanding of what Radius is, how you can use it to build and manage your cloud native apps, and understand how it differs from other cloud-native tools and frameworks.
A demo heavy session on how to deploy an application in the two main Kubernetes based offerings in Azure - Azure Kubernetes Service and Container Apps. We will look at how the two offerings compare via a practical demonstration in deploying a sample application to both offerings using GitHub Actions and look at how to manage each of the two platforms from an operational perspective. After this session you should have more information on which platform is the best fit for you and your company for running your containerised workloads,
In this session, Paco will guide you in elevating your Azure integration solutions using OpenAI APIs. Throughout the presentation and live demo, he'll cover: 💡 Innovative Problem-Solving: Tackle old integration challenges with new generative AI approaches. 🤖 Crafting Intelligent Prompts: Engineer prompts that empower your integration solution. 🪢 Seamless Fusion: Explore how Azure Integration Services seamlessly work with OpenAI APIs. ⚗️ Testing Strategies: Ensure the robustness of your solution through testing. 🔎 Considerations in Generative AI: Navigate essential considerations when integrating generative AI into your solutions. Join us and get some inspiration and fresh perspectives to supercharge your upcoming Azure integration projects.
With policy driven governance being one of the design principles of the Cloud Adoption Framework let's take a look at an open source project designed to automate the rollout and management of Azure Policy at scale across the enterprise. Featuring stateful deployment, CI/CD integration, code first deployment and reporting/remediation, Anthony will take you on a demo filled journey to take control of policy.
Explore the integration of Deno applications with Microsoft Azure's serverless architecture in this hands-on workshop. Learn how to deploy Deno as a serverless function on Azure. Participants will gain practical experience in setting up Azure environments and leveraging modern JavaScript and TypeScript practices for cloud-native development. Ideal for developers interested in enhancing their skills in serverless technologies.
In this session, we will explore the power of Microsoft's Fabric in Data Science applications. Fabric provides a scalable and efficient framework for processing and analyzing large volumes of data. We will walk through the key features and capabilities of Fabric, such as its distributed computing capabilities, seamless integration with popular data science tools, and real-time data processing capabilities. Join us to learn how Fabric can revolutionize your data science workflows and unlock valuable insights from your data.
Together, Microsoft and Dell have formed a strategic partnership to deliver integrated solutions that combine the power of AI with the flexibility of hybrid cloud computing. By combining Microsoft's AI expertise with Dell's infrastructure solutions, customers can benefit from faster innovation, improved productivity, and greater scalability in their IT environments.
In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, it is imperative to address the issue of inclusivity in the tech industry. This session aims to shed light on the importance of creating a more diverse and inclusive tech space. By exploring various aspects of inclusivity, such as gender, race, ethnicity, accessibility and disability, we will examine the challenges faced by underrepresented groups and discuss practical strategies to overcome them. During this session, we will delve into the benefits of inclusivity, not only from a social perspective but also from an economic and innovation standpoint. We will explore how diverse perspectives and experiences can drive creativity, enhance problem-solving capabilities, and contribute to the development of more inclusive and ethical technologies.
Data & AI
Discover a bit more about the importance of the adoption of AI and Cloud, how they can help your business and all that you will see during the conference
Microsoft Azure
The Log Analytics agent will be deprecated on August 31, 2024. Therefore, if you are currently using the MMA, it is advisable to plan your migration to AMA well in advance. Over time, the Azure Monitor agent will replace the legacy monitoring agents that Azure Monitor currently employs. The Log Analytics agent is responsible for transmitting data to a Log Analytics workspace and provides support for VM insights and monitoring solutions. In addition to consolidating this functionality into a single agent, the Azure Monitor agent provides various benefits over the existing agents, such as cost savings, granular targeting through Data Collection Rules for collecting specific data types from specific machines, and improved security and performance.
AI & Machine Learning
Unlock the magic of AI conversations! Join us as we demystify prompt flow in Azure AI Studio. Learn how to transform simple text inputs into powerful insights, creating chatbots that understand and respond intelligently. Whether you’re a beginner or an AI enthusiast, this session will equip you with the tools to craft dynamic, user-friendly chatbots.
Take advantage of Azure Bicep, a domain-specific language (DSL) for declaratively deploying Azure resources, to leverage the full potential of your Azure infrastructure.
Data & AI
Unlock the potential of data integration with the dynamic duo of Alteryx and Azure in our session on ‘Alteryx + Azure: Harnessing the Power of ETL.’ Explore how the seamless integration of Alteryx’s intuitive ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) capabilities with the robust infrastructure of Azure empowers organizations to streamline their data workflows, drive informed decision-making, and accelerate digital transformation. Join us as we delve into real-world use cases, best practices, and the transformative impact of this powerful synergy on modern data management.
Το Azure VMware Solution είναι μια λύση VMware υποδομής στο cloud που παρέχετε σε αποκλειστικούς bare metal servers στο Azure. Με το AVS μπορούμε να έχουμε μια γρήγορη μετεγκατάσταση ή επέκταση της VMware εγκατάστασης στο Azure χωρίς το κόστος, την προσπάθεια ή/και τον κίνδυνο μιας εκ νέου κατασκευής των συστημάτων μας Cloud
AI & Machine Learning
Learn how to efficiently deploy your AI models on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with the help of the AI toolchain operator. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to leverage the power of AKS for scalable, secure, and manageable AI model deployment, making it easier for developers and data scientists to bring their machine learning solutions to life in a cloud environment.
"Se cree que el número de posibles moléculas y materiales estables supera con creces el número de átomos en el universo conocido. Una tarea que los ordenadores clásicos más grandes imaginables no podrían resolver." ¡Si estas frases te suenan a chino mandarín, o la computación cuántica te suena a algo igual de complejo que mandar un cohete a la luna, esta sesión es para ti! Veremos de una forma muy sencilla, qué es, cómo funciona, para qué sirve y sus casos de uso, ventajas, y otras curiosidades de la computación cuántica con Azure Quantum, incluso haremos algún pinito en Q#. Al final todos seremos capaces de mandar nuestros cohetes a la luna, únete a la exploración cuántica y ayúdanos a lograr el primer atasco lunar.
Dentro del ecosistema Power BI y los nuevas arquitecturas de Datos en la nube nos encontramos con un abanico de componentes tan grande como espectacular: Power BI, Power BI Dataflows, Power BI Datamarts, Cloud Data warehouse como Databricks o Fabricnow y las nuevas arquitecturas avanzadas de Lakehouse. ¿Cómo encajan todas estas piezas? ¿Las necesito realmente? ¿En qué casos sí y en cuales no? Entender las razones por las cuales un componente se convierte en clave en la evolución de nuestras arquitecturas es fundamental para que nuestra solución sea un éxito, técnico y de negocio. En esta sesión realizaremos un paso de 0 hasta el Lakehouse y veremos como se transforma toda nuestra solución.
Con Azure DevOps desplegaremos Spatial Analytics en un dispositivo IoT conectado a una camara en una Rasperri PI gestionado por Azure ARC y contaremos cuantas personas hay en la sala.
Introductory and Overview
en esta charla vamos a hablar de ¿Que es Azure Stack HCI? beneficios, uso implementación gestion y monitoreo
AI & Machine Learning
In this session, we’ll explore how to harness the power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) for language models. We’ll delve into the technical aspects of developing and deploying RAG systems using Prompt Flow, a streamlined tool for building LLM-based AI applications.
A high level introduction to Azure OpenAI Service with demos on - creating resources in Azure portal - authenticating requests - using the REST API in C# and python to interact with Azure OpenAI Service - Demo for Chat Completion - Demo for Text to Image
AI & Machine Learning
This session will explore the integration of Azure AI Services and Machine Learning with Apache Spark to build intelligent applications. I'll delve into how these services can enhance machine learning models with advanced cognitive features, such as natural language processing and computer vision, to create more dynamic and responsive apps. Attendees will gain practical insights into implementing these technologies to solve real-world problems and drive innovation in their projects.
There is no question that the world has changed to the cloud. This became more and more noticeable with the growth of AI tools, and more and more Cloud Native services and products become part of every modern application design. With the rise of all copilots on our day by day, from Developers, to Operations, to IT Pros. The landscape has permanently changed, and the potential is immense, and exciting to imagine how we can do so much more with all of these new tools and services.
Joke's on them cause I would have done the same even without the restriction! This is the story of an Azure architecture that was designed to consume 100 requests per hour, then the requirements changed and we had to consume 1000 requests per minute, while the budget remained the same. In this session, I will show you the tricks I used to go around the various limitations of Azure's cheapest (yet production-eligible) tiers of Azure Functions, Logic Apps, Azure Data Factory, Azure Service Bus and others. Spoiler: I used code here & there.
Cloud Adoption
Here we will be talking about Application Development Lifecycle in Microsoft business Applications using Microsoft Azure
En esta sesión, nos adentraremos en Azure Container Apps, una plataforma serverless que permite ejecutar aplicaciones en contenedores con menos infraestructura y a menor costo. Exploraremos cómo Azure Container Apps facilita la implementación de puntos de conexión de API, el alojamiento de trabajos de procesamiento en segundo plano, y la ejecución de microservicios. Además, discutiremos cómo esta plataforma puede escalar dinámicamente las aplicaciones en función del tráfico HTTP, el procesamiento controlado por eventos, y la carga de CPU o de memoria2.
Hoy en día, hablar de gestión de la insfraestructura en la nube viene de la mano de hablar de Infraestructura como código (IaC). Terraform es la herramienta más popular de cara a aplicar esta práctica, pero no es la única y Pulumi se postula como una alternativa con un enfoque diferente, que se acerca mucho más al mundo DEV, permitiéndonos utilizar lenguajes de programación que nos resultan más cercanos para definir, testear, desplegar y administrar infraestructura en cualquier nube. En esta charla exploraremos cómo Pulumi nos puede ayudar a aplicar IaC y lo cercanos que pueden resultar aspectos como la colaboración, testing, refactoring y modularización del código gracias al enfoque que nos proporciona esta herramienta. Veremos código utilizando el SDK de Pulumi en C# integrado con Azure DevOps para automatizar la gestión de nuestra infraestrcutura en Azure con ejemplos que nos permitan trabajar con networking, AKS, App Services, Azure Monitoring, etc.
En este 2024 veremos como la explicabilidad, la autorregulación y la ética en la generación de contenidos sintéticos cobra una especial importancia. En esta charla revisaremos los principales mecanismos de convivencia entre la normativa, los valores de la sociedad y las alucinaciones de las IAs generativas.
Sesión centrada en Azure Databricks y su integracion con Power BI para sacar el maximo partido a tus datos.
Microsoft Azure
Oyun Geliştiricileri için Azure da kullanabileceği alt yapı ve platform servisleri
Data & AI
Azure Data Factory (ADF) for general users working with data involves introducing them to data integration services, allowing them to efficiently and securely manage the full data integration lifecycle. Here's a comprehensive training session plan aimed at empowering users with practical skills and knowledge about ADF
In Microsoft Fabric, the Medallion Architecture Layers is a design pattern employed to logically organize data in a lakehouse. The architecture comprises three distinct layers (Bronze, Silver and Gold), each indicating the quality of data stored in the lakehouse, with higher levels representing higher quality. The multi-layered approach helps Fabric Engineers to build a single source of truth for enterprise data products.
AI & Machine Learning
Building a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system with Azure OpenAI, Hugging Face, and MongoDB involves creating an advanced AI model that enhances natural language processing tasks by integrating external knowledge sources. This system leverages Azure OpenAI for its powerful language models, Hugging Face for an extensive library of pre-trained models and NLP tools, and MongoDB Atlas for storing and managing the large datasets used as the knowledge base. The RAG approach combines the strengths of generative models (like those from OpenAI) with the ability to query and retrieve relevant information from a database (stored in MongoDB) during the generation process, leading to more informed and contextually accurate outputs. This setup is handy for applications requiring deep understanding and generation of human-like text, such as chatbots, search engines, and content creation tools.
In this session I will explain the process we have followed to move our corporate services Azure
Host static web site in Azure Storage Account with use of Azure CDN - Terraform , GitHub
AI & Machine Learning
In this engaging 45-minute presentation, we will delve into the power of AI Functions and how they can be utilized to query Large Language Models (LLM) using Databricks SQL on Microsoft Azure. We will explore the technical complexities of calling LLMs, how to abstract these complexities, and the practical applications of these functions. A hands-on demo will provide a real-world example of how these AI Functions can be used to automatically classify and answer customer reviews.
In our video and accompanying blog post, we delve into the powerful world of Azure Arc as we unveil Extended Security Updates (ESU) enabled by Azure Arc. Discover the seamless integration and enhanced security measures that enable you to effortlessly purchase and deploy ESUs via Azure Arc, whether in on-premises or multicloud environments. This feature not only safeguards your end-of-support Windows 2012 or 2012 R2 servers but also enhances your ability to protect, secure, and govern them effectively.
Every day about 11.5 billion terabits of data are being shared between outer space and the Earth, this communication and large storage space can be managed with Azure Orbitals. Learn how can we fully transform the big giant disks with an Azure data center. Rocket Science is an interesting subject and what Azure has to offer to it, we will learn about everything from scratch to setting up a communication between Azure Orbitals and a Rocket.
Power BI development is evolving, and so are the tools and techniques supporting it. Dive into a comprehensive exploration of how ChatGPT can revolutionize your Power BI development process. This session offers an in-depth look into various facets, from generating sample data to crafting intricate DAX with SVG and CSS. We'll explore where ChatGPT excels and where it might require a more human touch. By the end, you'll gain a holistic understanding of integrating ChatGPT into your Power BI toolkit, ensuring more efficient, effective, and engaging report development. Some of the themes covered: - Sample Data Generation with ChatGPT - Crafting Data Models, Schemas, and Deployment Scripts - DAX and Power Query Code Generation - JSON Theme File Creation and Adjustments - Advanced Scripting with Tabular Editor - Multimodal Capabilities for Graphics: Images, Banners, and More - PowerShell Scripting and Cmdlets Integration - Mixing DAX with SVG and CSS
The WAF isn’t just about pillars; it’s a whole enchanted library. Design principles, codified recommendations, and proven patterns await. And the Azure Well-Architected Review tool? It’s like a magical mirror reflecting your readiness for the ultimate quest: deploying to production. Heed the call of the WAF. Unleash its magic, build your Azure citadel, and conquer the cloud realms!
Día de tormenta, son las 9 de la noche y el Real Madrid está jugando. Quieres irte a casa porque ya estás tarde. Sin embargo, tu compañero ha cometido un error con Terraform; borró un archivo y eliminó por completo un storage account de producción. ¿Qué podemos hacer? En esta sesión, proporcionaremos consejos para garantizar que tus recursos de Azure estén respaldados correctamente y para ayudarte a protegerte de esos compañeros "manazas".
En esta sesión vamos a ver como podemos partiendo de pruebas de JMeter DSL ejecutar nuestras pruebas de carga en Azure Load Testing, automatizando su lanzamiento con GitHub Actions y obteniendo telemetría mediante framework de Open Telemetry
La Inteligencia Artificial generativa ha captado la atención mundial con la aparición de LLM's, pero ¿sabías que sus aplicaciones van mucho más allá? Durante esta sesión, haremos una breve introducción al uso de técnicas como NERF o Gaussian splatting con las que podemos renderizar escenas 3D a partir de fotografías o vídeos. Como ejemplo, usaremos un conjunto de fotografías del ámbito industrial. Demostraremos que con tan solo un conjunto de imágenes, podemos renderizar una escena 3D de alta calidad. Debido a la necesidad de GPU para realizar el entrenamiento de nuestros modelos de renderizado, nos apoyaremos en Azure Machine Learning, donde mostraremos como se ha definido un pipeline basado en componentes que permite lanzar múltiples entrenamientos en paralelo y escalar según las necesidades que tengamos gracias al clúster de computación sobre el que se ejecuta. Por último, veremos como podemos interactuar con esta escena 3D, aplicando modelos como SAM (Segment Anything) para segmentar y clusterizar y posteriormente exportar los distintos objetos que aparecen en la escena.
En un mundo cada vez más digital, la seguridad y la privacidad de los datos son de suma importancia, sobre todo cuando pensamos en sistemas de IA Generativa que tan sensibles son a la información que le proporcionamos. Esta anonimización de los datos personales es un paso crítico en este proceso para garantizar la privacidad del usuario y la conformidad con las regulaciones de protección de datos, ya que una vez esta información es particionada y generado su embedding, el localizar el trozo exacto y cambiar el dato, puede ser algo complejo, por ello loe mejor es ajustarlo y cambiarlo todo antes. En esta presentación, exploraremos las opciones que Azure/Microsoft ofrece para garantizar la seguridad de los datos y nos centraremos en Presidio, una potente biblioteca OpenSource de Microsoft, y como por ejemplo tras realizar una transcripción de una llamada con whisper podemos anonimizar los datos para insertarlos en la base de datos vectorial.
Showing the benefits and features of Azure OpenAI Service. The session will include following demos: -Exploring different playgrounds in Azure AI Studio -Generating images using DALL-E and DALL-E 3 -Speech to text with the Azure OpenAI Whisper model -GPT-4 Turbo with Vision on your images and videos in Azure AI Studio -Custom data using Azure OpenAI Service -Azure OpenAI GPT 3.5 Turbo fine-tuning
Dive into the revolutionary world of cloud-native development as we unveil the new Microsoft game-changing framework, .NET Aspire. Witness firsthand as we harness the innovative capabilities of .NET Aspire to craft distributed applications, and then seamlessly deploy them onto the Azure platform. From development to deployment, this session is your roadmap to unlocking the true synergy between .NET and Azure, empowering you to build, scale, and manage distributed applications with ease. Don't miss out on shaping the future of .NET development - let's Aspire together!
Microsoft Azure
Show the all participiant how they use Azure to other Vendors
Let's delve into the intricacies of implementing FinOps capabilities using Microsoft Cost Management and Azure Advisor. Attendees will have the invaluable opportunity to gain insights and practical strategies for effectively managing and optimising cloud costs within the Microsoft Azure ecosystem.
Dive into the world of Microsoft Sentinel's Content Hub, your one-stop shop for security solutions, and learn how to effectively manage "Incident Tasks" as a team. This session will guide you through the process of exploring and deploying content from the Content Hub and demonstrate how to streamline incident management using the Incident Tasks feature. Discover how to enhance collaboration, assign tasks, and track progress to ensure a swift and organized response to security incidents.
En mi charla sobre Azure Stack HCI, voy a explorar los siguientes temas: 1. ¿Qué es Azure Stack HCI?: Una introducción a esta solución hiperconvergente que combina lo mejor de la nube y la infraestructura local. 2. Beneficios y Casos de Uso: ¿Por qué elegir Azure Stack HCI? Discutiremos casos prácticos y cómo puede beneficiar a las organizaciones. 3. Implementación y Configuración: Pasos para implementar y configurar Azure Stack HCI en tu entorno. 4. Gestión y Monitoreo: Herramientas y mejores prácticas para administrar y supervisar tu clúster hiperconvergente. 5. Historias Divertidas de Implementación: Anécdotas y desafíos graciosos que surgieron durante la implementación de Azure Stack HCI.
Join us for an illuminating discussion on Azure Vector Databases, where we delve into the realm of vector embeddings and their pivotal role in modern data science and machine learning workflows. This talk offers a comprehensive comparative analysis of various vector databases available on Azure, shedding light on their distinct features, performance benchmarks, and suitability for diverse use cases. From Azure Cosmos DB to Azure SQL Database with Hyperscale and Azure Data Explorer, we navigate through the landscape of Azure's vector database offerings, uncovering their strengths, limitations, and optimal applications. Through practical examples and case studies, attendees will gain insights into how these databases handle vector data, facilitate efficient querying, and support advanced analytics tasks. Furthermore, we explore the concept of vector embeddings – a powerful technique for representing data points in a continuous, high-dimensional space. Delving into real-world scenarios, we demonstrate how vector embeddings enable tasks such as similarity search, recommendation systems, and natural language processing, and discuss best practices for leveraging them effectively within Azure's ecosystem. Whether you're a data scientist, a machine learning engineer, or a database administrator, this talk equips you with valuable knowledge to make informed decisions when choosing and utilizing vector databases on Azure, and harnessing the transformative potential of vector embeddings in your projects. Join us to embark on a journey through the cutting-edge intersection of databases, vectors, and AI.
Cuando se habla de tecnologías de bajo código, Microsoft pone a disposición de las organizaciones la Power Platform como herramienta para el desarrollo rápido de soluciones empresariales. Pero, ¿qué hay realmente detrás de todo esto? Como habrás adivinado, ¡todo se ejecuta en Azure! Esto permite una integración perfecta entre los componentes de Power Platform y los servicios de Azure. Veremos como ejemplo, la integración de API Management y bases de datos Azure SQL. Acompáñame a descubrir esta fusión y todas las posibilidades que nos ofrecen estas dos plataformas.
Durante la sesión, convertiremos a asistentes de level 300 a 400 :). Les formaremos en todo lo relacionado con toda la variedad y tipos de identidades existentes en las empresa, así como los ataques y protección que tenemos. Veremos por qué cuesta que se considere a Window Hello un MFA y por qué si lo es, como conseguir un escenario passworless 360, como funcionan los ataques MFA cookie theft y qué reglas en el plataformado del tenant no nos pueden falta. #LoginAdaptativo #Passwordless360 #fido2 #Hello
Introductory and Overview
¿Conoces CosmosDb, el servicio de base de datos super flexible e hiper escalable en Azure? En esta sesión haremos un pequeño recorrido por las funcionalidades más relevantes de este servicio, y también me gustaría compartir algunas cosillas que he aprendido después de un par de años usándolo de forma "Intensiva" ¿Te apuntas?
Data & AI
In this session, we will talk about the basics of Azure SQL, a cloud-based database service that provides all of the features of Microsoft SQL Server with added scalability and flexibility. You will learn how to choose the best deployment option for your workload, whether it is Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, or SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines. You will also learn how to compare the purchasing models, service tiers, and hardware configurations that affect the performance and cost of your database. Additionally, you will learn how to use the various management interfaces for Azure SQL, such as the Azure portal, SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio. By the end of this session, you will have a solid understanding of Azure SQL and how it can help you modernize your data platform.
Cloud Native
Drawing from firsthand experience, this session will uncover practical strategies to rein in the complexities of hybrid environments within Azure. I'll share proven methods and insights that have helped navigate and resolve challenges in integrating on-premises systems with the Azure cloud. Through real-life scenarios and lessons learned, discover effective approaches for seamless integration, successful migration, and gaining control in a hybrid setup.
Join this dynamic and insightful session, ".NET Aspire: Igniting Mastery in Modern Software Development," where we embark on a journey to explore the cutting-edge capabilities of the .NET ecosystem. This session is crafted for developers, architects, and tech enthusiasts eager to elevate their skills and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of software development. Discover how .NET Aspire empowers you to master the art of building robust, scalable, and high-performance applications. We'll delve into advanced features, best practices, and real-world use cases that showcase the transformative potential of .NET in today's dynamic software development arena. Key Highlights: Next-Gen Development Paradigms: Explore the latest trends and paradigms shaping modern software development and learn how .NET Aspire aligns with these advancements. Performance Optimization Techniques: Dive into strategies for optimizing application performance, leveraging the performance-enhancing features of .NET Aspire to create highly responsive and efficient software. Microservices and Cloud Integration: Uncover the seamless integration possibilities of .NET Aspire with microservices architecture and cloud platforms, empowering you to build scalable and resilient applications. Security Best Practices: Understand the robust security features inherent in .NET Aspire and learn best practices for safeguarding your applications against modern cyber threats. Developer Productivity: Explore tools and practices that enhance developer productivity, from advanced debugging techniques to streamlined workflows, ensuring you make the most of your development time.
Azure AI Services is a set of Services providing Artificial Intelligence features to business applications, without being an expert in machine-learning algorithms. Hence, the services are targeted to developers without a specific machine-learning experience, who want to apply some "intelligence” to their solutions. Azure AI Services are the “evolution” of Cognitive Services which are no longer existing as separate offering. The range of available features allows to solve common business problems, such as analyzing a text, analyzing an image, browsing a document content, language understanding and translation, etc. During the session, I will give you an overview of the existing AI services, I will explain the Azure resources you need to create for accessing the services and the pricing tiers. And I will show how to consume some of the services. For example, calling the built-in AI services existing in Power BI, or creating your own function to call the API from Power Automate or other tools. At the end of the session, you’ll have a clear understanding of the available AI services offering, how to run them in your environment and how to take costs under control.
What travelling abroad and your children have in common? Both require you to keep an eye on it, specially when you are not around. In this session, we are going to see the result of some experimentations using a Raspberry Pi connected to Azure IoT Hub, for 2 situations that even if seems completely different, could be handled with the same solution.
We will talk about what is RAG and What features of Azure AI Search make it best suited for RAG based application. The presentation will be followed by a demo to see RAG with AI search in action
Microsoft Azure
Bu oturumda populer bir yenilik olan Azure Copilot (Preview) uzerine konusacak ve canli demolarla Copilot'un birbirinden guzel yeteneklerine goz atacagiz.
The session will cover the core elements of responsible AI and what to keep in mind while handling AI/ML solutions. Also provide some real world use cases embracing responsible AI
In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity threats are evolving rapidly, requiring Security Operations Centers (SOCs) to stay ahead of the curve. Microsoft XDR (Extended Detection and Response) offers a powerful solution to empower SOCs with enhanced threat detection, investigation, and response capabilities. Detect Threats Faster: Microsoft XDR leverages advanced AI and automation to swiftly identify cyber threats across endpoints, identities, email, and cloud services, ensuring quicker response times and reduced risk exposure. Streamline Response Efforts: With automated attack disruption and a unified investigation experience, Microsoft XDR enables SOC teams to streamline incident response processes, minimizing the impact of cyberattacks on the organization. Enhance Overall Security Posture: By providing a holistic view of the organization's cybersecurity landscape, Microsoft XDR facilitates proactive threat hunting and continuous improvement of security defenses, strengthening the organization's overall security posture. By embracing Microsoft XDR, SOC can become a proactive force in defending against cyber threats, safeguarding critical assets, and maintaining stakeholder trust. Let's partner together to strengthen your cybersecurity defenses and unleash the full potential of Microsoft XDR for the SOC.
This session breaks the mold, venturing beyond the typical view of language models. Explore the creative and innovative possibilities offered by Azure OpenAI Language Studio. Discover how language models can assist in tasks like music composition, image description, and even creative writing. Unlocking a world of possibilities: Explore the intersection of language and other forms of AI, pushing the boundaries of creative expression and problem-solving. Building bridges with code: Learn how to integrate language models with other tools and platforms to create truly groundbreaking applications. More information we can discuss on event day.
Let’s see what awaits us in the realms of maintaining visibility and control in Your Azure environment. The session will be focusing on three areas: Sandboxing, Governance and Resource optimization of Your Azure Environment. Simple, yet effective scenarios and tips, to maintain your operational efficiency, while maintaining proper cost control. It’s not just the tools, the Advisory services, it also boils down to Your governance and compliance posture, needs, resource optimization, the design and architecture of Your solution. The session is practical walk-through on how to work with Resource Providers, defining and creating operational baseline for the Subscription and the tenant environment (policy, security, blueprints, templates), Monitoring, as well as what tools we can use for monitoring operations and optimize resources utilization, and tips on choosing proper services for customer scenarios.
In this session, we examine the seamless integration of WhatsApp messaging functionality within our applications utilizing Azure Communication Services. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical demonstrations, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of leveraging this powerful combination to enhance user engagement and communication capabilities. The theoretical segment covers the advantages of integrating WhatsApp messaging, such as reaching a vast user base globally and leveraging its rich media support for dynamic interactions. Furthermore, it goes into the architecture and key considerations for integrating WhatsApp with Azure Communication Services, emphasizing security, scalability, and regulatory compliance. Transitioning into the code demos, participants learn how to integrate these WhatsApp messaging features into their applications using Azure Communication Services, from configuration to deployment, handling various message types (text, images). By the end of the session, attendees are equipped with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to seamlessly integrate WhatsApp messaging into their applications, empowering them to create more engaging and interactive user experiences while leveraging the robust infrastructure provided by Azure Communication Services.
Azure Virtual Desktop is here! It addresses one of the most long standing issues that companies faced, running desktop apps for multiple remote users, something that was restricted on the traditional RDS.
Introductory and overview
Aujourd’hui, je vais tenter de répondre à la question que vous vous posez toutes et tous. Mais pourquoi cet homme porte t’il des baskets rouges ? Pour le savoir, je vais vous raconter une histoire en commençant par vous partager un secret. Ce qui me fait aimer mon job ceux-sont ces hommes et ces femmes qui marchent dans les pas de millions d’autres, qui, en se douchant, en voiture ou derrière leur bureau, imaginent et implémentent des technologies qui révolutionnent notre façon de travailler. J’aime les gens qui essayent, les gens qui explorent, les gens qui marchent sur le chemin d’à côté sans trop comprendre pourquoi personne ne l’a jamais fait avant eux et qui se retrouvent à révolutionner notre monde. Tout cela en faisant taire les voies de ceux qui leur disent que c’est impossible. Oui, je pense que c’est surtout pour ça que j’aime mon job. Et aujourd’hui, je vous demande de remonter le temps, d’une quinzaine d’années, plus précisément en 2008 ... Nous allons donc parlé de Red Dog, projet secret initié par Microsoft dont nous sommes indirectement l’héritage aujourd’hui.
The session talks about how Azure cloud helping the World to Save billions of liters of fresh water. Details: Talk about Usage of IOT sensors/PLC connecting to Azure Data ingestion using Eventhub/Service bus Functions
As AKS clusters grow in size and complexity, it becomes increasingly challenging to optimize the cost of the underlying infra, such as VMs, storage, and n/w. Come and join me to learn about various configs, scaling options (HPA, VPA, KEDA, NAP) and comparisons to determine which one is the most cost-efficient.
The session will start from how and why applications are migrating to cloud native Why AKS remains good choice , and 1/2 small success stories . Best practices and learnings to remember when working with azure kubernetes services .
As organizations grow, so does the complexity of their infrastructure needs. Scaling infrastructure requires careful planning and strategic implementation to ensure smooth transitions and sustainable growth. However, without a clear roadmap, teams often find themselves grappling with issues like rigid configurations, duplication, and difficulty in managing multiple environments. In this talk, you will explore the progression of Terraform configurations, from basic setups to scalable systems. Specifically, you will learn about: - The challenges of monolithic Terraform setups and strategies to overcome them - The importance of modularization and agility in scaling Terraform configurations, and how to leverage these to build scalable, resilient systems - Key tools and methodologies that streamline code development, testing, and deployment Attendees can expect to gain insights into the evolution of Terraform configurations, armed with practical strategies and best practices. By the end of the session, they'll be equipped to architect robust and scalable Terraform configurations that adapt to the evolving needs of their organizations.
A practical short walkthrough of Microsoft cloud adoption framework and how it can help you make a successful journey to Azure. This session focus on how this works on a practical level, with real life examples on how Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework makes a different for a successful cloud journey. This session is a non-technical introduction.
Business Applications
In this session, this is a real-life scenario; I demonstrate how you can quickly create a Conversational AI integrated with Dynamics 365 and WhatsApp. So you can get a WhatsApp chatbot integrated with your Dynamics 365 to get customer, order, and service related data.
A brief intro to using a graph based database such as Neo4j to build a simple recommendation engine by showing the simple cypher queries and the graph for tackling 3 real world problem statements. Canva link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFvVzgdncA/c0tNZwpR62kGe1p9KLvfIw/edit?utm_content=DAFvVzgdncA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
AI & Machine Learning
Get a brief overview of Azure AI Document Intelligence service previously known as Azure Form Recognizer. A demo will be shown on how to create a solution based on Azure AI Document Intelligence to read from handwritten bills/invoices.
Si has trabajado con Azure OpenAI habrás acabado en la API reference de la compañía, pero ... ¿Sabías que entre esa documentación, en los profundos recovecos se esconden herramientas y funcionalidades que salvan más de una situación? En esta charla nos sumergiremos bajo el iceberg de las herramientas de OpenAI y plantearemos algunos escenarios donde estas herramientas serán de gran utilidad. Dentro de estas herramientas encontramos: - Function calling - Assistants - Moderation - Text to speech / Speech to text - Tools: code interpreter, knowledge retrieval Durante la charla se plantearán escenarios con estas herramientas que mostrarán el potencial de las mismas.
La cosa está que arde en el mundo de la nube: más grande, más complejo y todo el mundo quiere un pedazo del pastel. En esta charla, te vamos a contar cómo el Copilot de Microsoft para Azure es la navaja suiza que no sabías que necesitabas. Imagina un cerebro gigante (pero amigable) que te ayuda a manejar tus cosas en Azure, desde encontrar trucos nuevos hasta hacer que todo funcione más suave que nunca. Prepárate para subir de nivel tu juego en Azure y, ¿quién sabe?, quizás hasta te sobre tiempo para un café extra.
En esta fascinante sesión del Global Azure, exploraremos el mundo del desarrollo de aplicaciones nativas en la nube utilizando .NET 8 y el revolucionario marco .NET Aspire. La sesión "Cloud Native App Development with .NET Aspire in Azure" está diseñada para proporcionar a los desarrolladores una comprensión sólida de cómo crear aplicaciones escalables, resilientes y de alto rendimiento en la nube utilizando las últimas tecnologías y prácticas de Microsoft. Al final de esta sesión, los asistentes tendrán un conocimiento sólido y una comprensión profunda de cómo desarrollar aplicaciones nativas en la nube utilizando .NET 8 y .NET Aspire. Además, aprenderán cómo implementar y gestionar estas aplicaciones en Azure a través de Azure Container Apps, lo que les permitirá aprovechar al máximo los servicios y herramientas disponibles en la plataforma de Microsoft.
Internet of Things
En esta charla, podrás introducirte sumergirte en el mundo de los microcontroladores y microprocesadores y entender los fundamentos para que puedas programarlos usando tu lenguaje favorito. C# También debatiremos sobre las ventajas y desventajas de utilizar lenguajes administrados en dispositivos electrónicos con pocos recursos. Para ello haremos un recorrido sobre todas las plataformas existentes, i veremos como cada una de ellas se ha especializado para cada uno de los escenarios posibles.
Gestión avanzada de Azure Policy
Discover the power of Azure Container Apps in this informative presentation. Dive into the world of containerization and see how Azure can streamline application deployment, scaling, and management. Learn how to harness this technology to elevate your applications to the next level of efficiency and reliability. Join us as we demystify Azure Container Apps and unlock their potential for your projects.
Dans cette session, je vous propose un retour sur expérience sur comment utiliser Azure Policy. Nous verrons comment bien utiliser les Azure Policy dans vos différents use case de gouvernance, comment détecter et éviter les pièges de vos implémentations d'Azure Policy dans un monde où la plateforme Azure change quotidiennement
Introductory and overview
il s'agit du cours officiel Microsoft qui fournit des connaissances de base sur les concepts du cloud, les services Azure de base, ainsi que les fonctionnalités et outils de gestion et de gouvernance d’Azure.
Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of natural language processing, enabling a wide range of applications such as chatbots, summarizers, translators, and more. However, developing LLM-based apps is not an easy task. It requires a lot of trial and error, fine-tuning, testing, and deployment. Moreover, it involves working with different tools and platforms, such as LLMs, prompts, Python code, and cloud services. Introducing Prompt flow, a suite of development tools designed to streamline the end-to-end development cycle of LLM-based AI applications, from ideation, prototyping, testing, evaluation to production deployment and monitoring. Prompt flow makes prompt engineering much easier and enables you to build LLM apps with production quality.
Azure DevOps, Azure DevSecOps and Cloud Security
Applications enabled by voice technology are transforming our interaction with digital tools. From virtual helpers to automated customer support, the need for smart and user-friendly voice interfaces is swiftly growing. Azure Speech Services, a component of Microsoft's cognitive offerings, provides an extensive array of development tools, simplifying the process for developers to embed features like speech recognition, text-to-speech, speech translation, and speaker identification into their projects. In this session, we'll explore the features, elements, and functionalities of Azure Speech Services and demonstrate how to use Speech Studio to create, evaluate, and roll out advanced voice-activated applications
Microsoft Azure
Mevcut VMware ortamında çalışan sanal makinelerin Azure veya Azure Stack HCI'ya Taşınması bu oturumda anlatılacaktır.
In a multicloud environment, it's critical to ensure consistent security and identity experiences to avoid increased friction for developers, business initiatives and increased organizational risk from cyberattacks taking advantage of security gaps.
The world runs on the Cloud, it's a know fact by now. And the cloud runs on K8! So come and let's deep dive into AKS Architectures, patterns, recipes, best practices and a lot of Kubectl and helm and all of these cool toys. This is not your run of the mil AKS session, it's an advanced session to get you over the hurdle on how to use AKS in enterprise grade scenarios.
In this talk we will present how we use Azure AI services to build our foundational Compliance AI that serves as the basis for Copilot and Chatbot functionality in our products for financial services. The core of our product are digital rules that help our clients to stay compliant in cross-border situations. We built a first pilot project to answer compliance questions based on document content like internal policies, applying retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) approaches to achieve high accuracy for different document types and content structures. We will present our findings on how the current AI offer on Azure can support building quick prototypes, but also allow for iterative development to reach a production ready solution. We will guide you through the first steps within the Azure AI studio, but also show you our best practices to use the Azure AI APIs directly from our service infrastructure. We will also explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and will share our advice to start your own RAG-based copilots. Last but not least we will connect the dots to complementary Azure services like Azure Functions to implement data pipelines that feed the data to your AI products.
Data & AI
In this Workshop we are going to utilize Custom Metadata, and Azure Content Safety to perform Analytics on Image Moderation with Microsoft Fabric. A wide range of tools used to help us categorize and flag content but also analyze the Data with Microsoft Fabric.
Cloud has made implementing and deploying services as easy as click of a button but that is not enough when there is a service downtime. In this action packed session we go through the journey about what to do and how to implement some common practices to make your services reliable on Microsoft Azure
Azure API Management (APIM) es seguramente uno de esos productos más sencillos de implementar en tu organización, que más valor te aporta para la gestión de los backends y seguridad y que seguramente mucha gente aún no está implementando. ¿En qué consiste?¿En qué me ayuda?¿Cómo empiezo? Te lo enseño en 45 minutos.
En esta sesión veremos como podemos desarrollar soluciones chat profesionales, personalizadas con tus datos y altamente escalables, no solamente a nivel de infraestructura sino también de diseño de solución, arquitectura en Azure y técnicas DevOps que aseguren la calidad después de llevarlo a en producción. Aprenderás como diseñar flujos RAG y otros mas complejos con Visual Studio Code y PromptFlow, tooling con python, indexación en Azure Search, crear embeddings y hacer evaluaciones masivas con Rating especifico de LLMs (coherence, fluency, groundedness y relevance).
Mostraré al asistente 15 o 20 procesos de hacking a distintos servicios de Azure
El enfoque de nube adaptable unifica equipos aislados, sitios distribuidos y sistemas en expansión en un único modelo de operaciones, seguridad, aplicación y datos, lo que permite a las organizaciones aprovechar las tecnologías nativas de la nube y de IA para trabajar simultáneamente en entornos híbridos, multinube, perimetrales e IoT. Para ello Microsoft Azure cuenta con herramientas como Azure ARC, Defender for Cloud, Azure Monitos o Azure Policy con la que conseguir una nube adaptable.
Introductory and overview
Rejoignez-nous pour une session Playwright, l'outil qui va révolutionner votre approche de l'automatisation des tests et des interactions avec les navigateurs. Avec Playwright, préparez-vous à briller sur la scène du développement, en offrant des performances exceptionnelles et une facilité d'utilisation inégalée. Dans cette session, nous vous guiderons à travers les bases de Playwright, en vous montrant comment créer des scénarios de test robustes et fiables, sans les tracas habituels. Vous découvrirez comment automatiser des actions complexes dans différents navigateurs, en utilisant un langage de programmation de votre choix. Préparez vous à être ébloui par les fonctionnalités puissantes de Playwright, telles que sa prise en charge multi-navigateurs, sa facilité de débogage et sa documentation exhaustive. Nous partagerons également des conseils et des astuces pour optimiser vos tests et maximiser votre productivité. Que vous soyez un débutant enthousiaste ou un expert curieux, ce spectacle vous donnera un aperçu pratique de Playwright et vous inspirera pour créer des performances dignes d'ovation. Prenez votre ticket et laissez Playwright vous emmener sous les projecteurs de l'automatisation des tests de navigation web !
La résilience, c'est un voyage semé d’embuches, surtout lorsque nos applications sont déjà en production. Il faut donc pouvoir les faire évoluer vers une cible commune. Lors de cette session, nous allons considérer plusieurs aspects de la résilience : • Pourquoi parler de résilience dans Azure ? • Quels sont vos objectifs de résilience ? • La résilience en tant que politique • La résilience de vos infrastructures • La résilience de vos applications • La résilience de votre code • Comment mesurer la résilience à grande échelle ?
AI & Machine Learning
On this session you will discover how Azure OpenAI Landing Zones can help you start on the AI world quickly and with a safe approach
Te planteas montar un negocio y no sabes por donde empezar. ¿Como monto mi web? ¿Pago un hosting? ¿Y cual es mejor? ¿Como puedo tener una base de datos de clientes y mandarles correos o información? ¡Ayuda! Gracias a las nubes de Azure y Microsoft 365 pude crear mi propio negocio en menos de 48 horas: montar una web, gestión de citas con emails automatizados y además puedo llevar toda la contabilidad con tal solo un par de clicks. ¡Únete a esta sesión y podrás inspirarte en cómo poder poner en marcha tu propio negocio con unas pocas ideas u mucha tecnología Microsoft!
En esta sesión te contaré qué es el Platform Engineering y cómo con Azure DevBox y Azure Deployment Environments puedes generar tu propio Internal Developer Platform
Learn how Security Copilot is helping security teams solve threats faster and more accurately using the power of AI.
Con más de un año trabajando a tope con las inteligencias artificiales generativas, empiezan a establecerse los primeros patrones formales de arquitecturas para construir soluciones complejas y escalables con este tipo de tecnologías. La arquitectura de Micro-Agentes es una de estas propuestas. Basada en el paradigma de los microservicios, lleva los patrones de ésta al mundo de los agentes de inteligencia artificial, abstracciones modulares que realizan acciones específicas como respuesta a las entradas del usuario, y que pueden comunicarse fácilmente con otros agentes. Básicamente, es construir IA como servicios. Para construir esta arquitectura nos apoyaremos en diversas herramientas, como el Azure OpenAI SDK, .NET Aspire y las últimas experimentaciones dentro Semantic Kernel.
En esta sesión aprenderás los nuevos servicios de Azure OpenAI y lo utilizaremos para crear aplicaciones de Power Apps.
In this introductory-level session, we'll explore the landscape of modern application development, focusing on the use of .NET Aspire, Dapr, Microsoft Orleans, and Azure - Microsoft's robust cloud platform. .NET Aspire, an emerging cloud-ready stack, facilitates the creation of observable, production-ready, distributed applications. We'll provide an introductory overview of .NET Aspire, highlighting its key features, benefits, and its seamless integration with Azure. We'll also delve into Dapr, a portable, event-driven runtime that simplifies the building of microservices-based applications, and Microsoft Orleans, a framework that enables straightforward construction of distributed, high-scale computing applications. The session will feature a practical demonstration, illustrating the capabilities and integrations of .NET Aspire, Dapr, and Microsoft Orleans and how to deploy and manage them using Azure. This hands-on approach will provide attendees with a practical understanding of these tools in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, we'll discuss how these technologies can be integrated with popular programming languages and frameworks, showcasing their flexibility. The session will conclude with a forward-looking discussion on future enhancements in .NET Aspire, Dapr, Microsoft Orleans, and Azure. By the end of this session, attendees will gain a basic understanding of these tools and be inspired to explore these technologies further in their journey into application development. Join us in this session to kickstart your journey into cloud-native application development on Azure!
In this talk we delve into the capabilities of the Open Source az-mpf utility, which can be used in determining the least privilege permissions necessary for successful ARM/Bicep/Terraform deployments. In this talk, we’ll explore: * The Importance of Restricting Permissions: Understand why restricting permissions is crucial for security and compliance in cloud environments. * az-mpf at a Glance: A brief overview of the Open Source utility . * Hands-On Demonstrations: Witness az-mpf in action as we showcase scenarios where it simplifies permission management. * Best Practices: Learn how az-mpf can be integrated into your deployment workflow for enhanced security posture.
In this session, we'll show how to use the KEDA autoscaler to drive the scaling of any workload in Kubernetes based on the number of events needing to be processed, ensuring that we always have the best cost vs. performance ratio.
Join me for an exciting session as we explore the powerful combination of Azure's capabilities and Generative AI. Discover the innovative potential of this technology and how it is transforming industries. Whether you are a software developer, data scientist, or business intelligence professional, this session will equip you with the tools and best practices to harness the power of Generative AI within Azure. Learn from real-world examples and immerse yourself in the architecture and tools of Azure. Master the art of Generative AI and elevate your projects to new heights. Don't miss this opportunity to discover the power of Azure and Generative AI. Join me and let the force be with you as we embark on an innovation journey.
Data & AI
I spent several months working on data extraction from multi-page documents coming from insurance industry. Goal was to leverage built-in features of Azure Document Intelligence only. I will show samples of original files, explain options we tried and present outcome from most successful one, also sharing tips&tricks for those of you facing similar challenge.
Join us for an insightful session on how to supercharge your business or startup using the powerful capabilities of Azure's Open AI Services. In this session, we'll explore practical strategies and real-world examples of how businesses are leveraging Azure's tools to drive innovation and fuel growth. Learn how to harness the potential of Azure's Open AI Services to enhance your products, streamline processes, and gain valuable insights from your data. Discover how these services can empower you to automate routine tasks, personalize customer experiences, and make smarter decisions faster. We'll discuss the various ways in which Azure's Open AI Services can be integrated into your existing systems and workflows, regardless of your industry or company size. Whether you're looking to optimize operations, improve customer engagement, or unlock new revenue streams, this session will provide you with actionable insights to help you achieve your business goals. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experts and peers alike, and discover how Azure's Open AI Services can propel your business or startup to new heights of success. Join us and start accelerating your growth journey today!
How does Gen AI help simplify your existing Security operations challenges and posture effectively
OpenTelemetry is becoming increasingly popular in the cloud-native ecosystem for observability purposes. However, Monitoring Blazor WebAssembly can be quite challenging, especially when it comes to monitoring the backend of your WebAssembly and even confusing with various Open Telemetry SDKs. In this talk, we will discuss how to instrument a sample application and configure OpenTelemetry for the backend. We will also learn how to integrate New Relic's Real User Monitoring to achieve better monitoring results.
AzureOpenAI Services • Overview, présentation globale • Différence avec OpenAI (Privacy & security) • Types de modèles disponibles et spécificités • Availability by region model • Comment déployer dans Azure PP • Démo AI Vision Image + Vidéo • Sécurité des données PP • Pricing PP Mistral as a service dans AI studio • Prompt flow • Exemple avec un modèle GPT • Ingestion de données custom via un blob storage + refresh avec AI Search • Prompt • Déploiement dans une Web App
Qui n'a jamais perdu des heures à écrire du code on ne peut plus répétitif pour créer des endpoints au dessus d'une base de données en gérant la sécurité, le tri, la pagination, les filtres, le caching, ... ? Azure Data API Builder (DAB) est projet Open Source et gratuit rentrant en disponibilité générale courant mai et dont la promesse est de vous éviter cela ! Grâce à un simple fichier de configuration, DAB expose une API REST et/ou GraphQL avec toutes les fonctionnalités dont vous pourriez attendre d'une API. Découvrons cela ensemble...
AI & Machine Learning
There are many different architectures being implemented to produce RAG, an LLM capable to analyse the private data for one company. However, ML Prompt Flow is for sure above all of them, because it's capable to create an orchestration between different architectures resulting in a single co-pilot capable to get every piece of data your company has, on every format.
En esta sesión mostraré cómo crear imágenes cerebrales artificialmente sustituyendo a las obtenidas mediante resonancias magnéticas, y cómo se ha desarrollado este proyecto desde un inicio. Demo incluída.
El Low Code y el ProCode para las aplicaciones de negocio (Power Platform) son la base del actual ecosistema de módulos CRM y ERP para Microsoft. La misma tecnología LowCode/ProCode es utilizada por miles de empresas en el mundo para crear automatización de procesos a todos los niveles y os vengo a contar como se gestiona el CI/CD en cualquiera de estos casos. Veremos la planificación, el diseño según la estrategia de despliegue, la automatización de testing, el hands-on con las herramientas de Built y Git que tenemos para Pipelines y más. ¡El ciclo entero de tu solución Power Platform gobernado desde Azure!
Query store, which is the baddest query in my instance. On-premises or Azure, it doesn't matter, Query Store will help you finding out how your queries are performing. Get your performance to the next level knowing how to digg into Query Store data. Understand how it works, and how you can use Query Store data to solve performance issues and detect problems before they create a situation. Do you want to know how to mine Query Store: plans, queries? Learn how to get the best of it in an instance with several databases. Based on Microsoft support experience.
En un mundo donde la tecnología avanza a pasos agigantados, la integración de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en el desarrollo de software se ha convertido en un aspecto crucial para impulsar la eficiencia y la innovación. Esta charla explorará cómo la IA está transformando el panorama del desarrollo de software y cómo las empresas pueden aprovechar estas tecnologías para mejorar sus procesos y productos. Enfocaremos esta sesión de forma práctica, sumergiéndonos en casos reales donde el uso de herramientas como Github Copilot desata todo su potencial. Descubriremos cómo no solo optimiza y potencia el desarrollo del software, sino que también nos guía en la creación de Infraestructura como Código (IaC), agilizando el despliegue de aplicaciones en entornos como Azure. Con Github Copilot a nuestro lado, exploraremos cómo preparar pipelines automatizadas para la creación y actualización de recursos en Azure, acelerando así todo el ciclo de desarrollo. Veremos cómo esta poderosa herramienta nos permite generar las pipelines con mayor rapidez y precisión, eliminando la fricción en el proceso de desarrollo. Al final de esta sesión, no solo habremos conseguido desarrollar el software, sino que también habremos podido generar la infraestructura en Azure que nos permita desplegarlo, todo ello experimentando de primera mano el impacto transformador de la IA generativa.
You have probably heard of OpenTelemetry in the context of traces. But did you know OpenTelemetry also supports metrics with a comprehensive, forward-looking data model and SDKs? One thinks of Prometheus when it comes to metrics, but Otel metrics provide exciting ideas such as cumulative deltas, exponential histograms, and many more! This talk will demystify everything about Otel Metrics, from the data model to APIs to how to get started. We will cover the differences between Otel Metrics and Prometheus and reasons to get excited by using Otel Metrics.
What is Bicep? Overview of Bicep , Benefits of Bicep Comparing Terraform and Bicep Deep Dive session on Azure Pipelines and Bicep file, demo to define the infrastructure & deploy Azure resources
In this session we will talk about and illustrate some best practices, tips and tricks to effectively use Github Copilot.
Are you interested in establishing a cloud-native environment for your business-tailored copilot? Or are you considering creating your custom GPT assistant in a fully controlled environment on top of your enterprise data? If so, and if you are entering this field, then we need to talk about it. This is a use-case-driven session fully focused on the practical utilization of Microsoft Azure OpenAI service and OpenAI GPT generation of models. After designing and developing a few pre-release & prod-release AI-powered plugins and applications, I will share my experience and best practices in building and publishing services for intelligent semantic search and enhanced behavioristic ability for contextual reasoning and learning. This innovative approach empowers rapid and fair cost prototyping and evaluation, relatively fast time to market, and easy benchmarking and adaptation. I will also carefully weigh this innovative approach's key pros and cons as we wrap up, providing valuable insights for further decision-makers. Join me in showcasing this very popular horizon in the industry.
We are starting to migrate some of the traditional BI projects that we currently have to Microsoft Fabric. The idea for this session is to share our current experience with Fabric and the talk about the potencial benefits of a unified architecture.
HuggingFace is a goldmine of transformer models. I want to demonstarte how anyone can deploy a HuggingFace model that is too large for our personal computers for testing as well as production using Azure Studio. I plan on a very short intro about the topic and a simple code demo showing how exactly to use huggingface with azure. The demo I have in mind will probably be an image segmentation model called Segment Anything Model (SAM by Meta). If there's one thing I want the audience to learn is - You can create way more than you think with just the open source models available on GitHub and HuggingFace.
Hybrid adoption stands as the end-state for the majority of organizations investing in Cloud Technologies. Join me to learn how you can harness the powerful Azure Resource Manager, this massive RESTful API, to extend Azure Management to on-premises or multi-cloud server infrastructure investment with Azure Arc for Servers!
Introductory and overview
Run AI on Azure while keeping your models, queries and responses confidential with the help of confidential computing
Dans cette session, je vous proposer de regarder en détail les différents impacts de la mise en place de Private Link dans vos environnements. Bien qu'il soit très facile d'ajouter des private endpoint à vos services Azure, les impacts peuvent être multiples et difficile à investiguer.
A how-to presentation live learning how to use technologies to help show presentations live using Artificial Intelligence. Next Generation Presentations Using Teams Using PowerPoint To leverage the presentation to the next level. How to present to an inclusive audience
Azure SQL Databases doesn't have SQL Agent, and because of that one of the questions that I'm being asked all the time is how to automate tasks in Azure SQL Database. In this session, we will look at all available options and their advantages and disadvantages.
Introduction to AI/ML Deployment: Organizations are increasingly interested in deploying machine learning models for various applications. They seek reliable, robust, and cost-effective deployment platforms. Azure Container Apps (ACA): ACA is introduced as a serverless container platform that simplifies the deployment process by removing the operational overhead of managing Kubernetes clusters. It offers features like event-based scaling, EasyAuth, internal service discovery, and custom domains out of the box. Why Use ACA for ML Models?: Event-Based Scaling: ACA provides event-based scaling using a version of Keda HTTP Autoscaler, enabling scaling based on demand. Standard Processes: Organizations can apply existing standards and processes for application releases using containers. Cost-Effectiveness: ACA is cost-effective, particularly for smaller models running millions of requests. Walkthrough: The walkthrough demonstrates how to deploy a food recognition model with an API and a React frontend on ACA. Steps for Deployment: Creating Azure resources (Azure Container Registry, Azure Container Apps). Building container images using ACR tasks. Deploying the applications on Azure Container Apps. ML Backend: Utilizes TensorFlow model for classifying user behaviour. Built using ACR tasks and deployed on ACA. Frontend: Built in React. Allows users to make API calls to the backend for image processing. Can be adjusted for private deployment. Use the swagger UI Conclusion: ACA simplifies the deployment of containerized ML models. Suggestions for improvement include integrating APIM for rate limiting and using Azure Load Testing for scaling evaluation. Features like revisions and ACR integration aid in MLOps considerations. DAPR integration can simplify service-to-service calls. Monitoring of ML model performance requires bespoke solutions. Follow-up: ACA offers features like revisions for deploying multiple versions of applications and ACR integration for updating container images. DAPR integration can facilitate service-to-service calls. Monitoring ML model performance requires custom solutions.
Build LLM Powered Apps using Lang chain with Azure Open AI
Join us for a deep dive into chaos engineering for software systems. This talk will show you how deliberately causing failures can actually make your system stronger. We'll explore how this process improves resilience, boosts awareness of vulnerabilities, and helps fortify your infrastructure for whatever the future may bring.
Join us in this panel discussion, where industry experts explore the latest trends, challenges, and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence powered by Azure. From machine learning to cognitive services, our panelists will share their insights on leveraging Azure's cutting-edge technologies to build intelligent solutions that drive innovation and transform industries. Discover real-world use cases, best practices, and the future landscape of AI on the Azure platform. Whether you're a developer, data scientist, or business leader, this session offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable perspectives on the evolving AI landscape within the Azure ecosystem.
Using Azure DevOps and terraform Kubernetes applications can be deployed with only two clicks. In this sessions we use tools like terraform and azure devops pipelines to create an end-to-end automated deployment process on Kubernetes.